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什么是网络礼仪?What is Netiquette?

“网络礼节禁止这个项目”!The "Netiquette abolishment project" !

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网络礼节是很复杂的事。The netiquette is of great complexity.

论坛用户有义务遵守网络礼仪。Forum obliged to comply with netiquette.

网络礼仪是因特网上的礼仪。Netiquette is all about etiquette on the Internet.

网上聊天时,你也要遵守网络礼节。You need to follow netiquette when chatting online.

你能给我说一些新闻组的网上规矩吗?。Could you tell me something about newsgroup netiquette?

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从某种程度上讲,网络礼仪似乎永远是一个谜团。And in some ways, netiquette seems as nebulous a concept as ever.

网上礼节要求人们以礼相待。Netiquette requires that people should be polite in their exchanges.

网络礼仪则是这些让人在网上表现得体的规则。In other words, Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online.

这是在网络世界中的一个最基本的规则,我认为没有谈它的必要,而事实并非如此。This is such a basic rule of netiquette I shouldn't have to say it, but here it is.

但他们应该为你提供了一些处理网络礼仪困境的基本原则。But they should give you some basic principles to use in solving your own Netiquette dilemmas.

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在这些地方是最需要遵守网络礼节的,甚至比其他任何地方都需要。Here, maybe more than anywhere else on the Internet, it is most important to observe good netiquette.

发起一场偏离论坛主旨的圣战被认为是对网络礼节的扰乱。Introducing a holy war that is off the purported topic of the forum is considered a violation of netiquette.

大一些的学生将会学到如何面对未来的雇主,并且如何在发送电子邮件时使用“网络礼仪”。Older pupils will learn how to present themselves to future employers and use "netiquette" when sending emails.

作为一名外语教师,特别是担负基础外语教学任务的外语教师,了解一定的网络交流礼仪是十分必要的。As a result, a good command of Netiquette is very necessary for language teachers, especially those in basic education.

人们可以在网上自由交谈,但网上也是有规则的。网上礼节要求人们以礼相待。People speak freely to each other on the Internet but there are rules. Netiquette requires that people should be polite in their exchanges.

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但是它们会给你一些基本的准则,帮助你解决在网络中遇到的礼仪问题。They won't answer all your Netiquette questions. But they should give you some basic principles to use in solving your own Netiquette dilemmas.

同时,本文还提出了完善当前初中网络礼仪教育的一些建议。At the same time, this paper has also brought forward some suggestions on how to improve the present netiquette education of junior high school.

这种新的网络礼仪很快成为大家都懂的、超越文化、商业和地理疆界的行为举止标准。This new netiquette has quickly become a universally understood behavioral standard that transcends cultures, businesses and geographical boundaries.