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几片刻她再是真正的外行。For just a few moments she was a real layperson again.

而事实是,在天主教会中很大一部分的普通信徒并没有读圣经的习惯!And the truth is , a big part of layperson do not read Bible!

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一个僧人若拒绝了在家人的食物便是对他们的不尊重。A monk cannot disrespect the layperson by refusing their food.

目的了解佤族群众对疟疾的认知情况。Objective To learn layperson perception of Wa ethnic toward malaria.

最后一个问题,这次是作为一个外行,一个普通人来问你。One last question, and this one I ask you as a layperson , a human being.

因为这些专家要向外行人讲授“外行人知识领域之外”的知识。Because these experts are imparting information "beyond the ken"of the layperson.

科瑞娜的深红色的肿瘤清晰可见,即使是一个不懂行的人也可以看到。The deep red hue of Corina's tumor is plain to see, even to a layperson leaning over the surgeon's shoulder.

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而且客观来说,我们国家是存在很多问题嘛,难道现在所有的老百姓都对我们这个社会很满意吗?Furthermore, objectively speaking, our country has many problems, so now is every layperson satisfied with our society?

作者指出,外行也常常能从一份讲话的文字稿看出它的作者是男人还是女人。The authors point out that often a layperson can tell by examining a transcript whether the person behind it is a man or a woman.

一切都是因为尊重。一个僧人若拒绝了在家人的食物便是对他们的不尊重。所以僧人必须吃这些食物,不管它是什么做的。It all boils down to respect. A monk cannot disrespect the layperson by refusing their food. And so, he must eat the food, whatever it happens to be.

一必要指南给初学人和调味专业,给谁有兴趣主题的外行也一讯息丰富参考。An essential guide for the novice and the seasoned professional, it is also an informative reference for the layperson who is interested in the subject.

同样的,在一个普通人面对具有自杀倾向的病人时,最好的做法是请求对方保证在得到专业帮助前不要去伤害自己。Likewise, the best thing a layperson can do if they find someone to be suicidal is to ask that person to promise not to harm themselves until professional help comes.

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其他时候,对外行人或遇险者家人来说是奇迹的事情,对医学专家来说却是平常的,因为他们在日常工作中就经常能见到。Other times what appears to be a miracle to a layperson or a victim's family is not considered a miracle by medical professionals, who may see similar cases on a routine basis.

正如我们所知道的,如果到新教去的话,常常当我们说到一句圣经上的话,甚至是普通信徒都能说出这句话的出处,选自圣经的哪部书,几章甚至几节。As we know , in protestant church , if you say a sentence from Bible, even some layperson can tell you it is from which part of Bible , which book, which chapter, and even the number of sentence.