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绿色工业和世界银行政策研究Greening Industry and World Bank policy research

要想绿化整个非洲大陆,前路依然漫长。That's still a long way from greening a continent.

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道路绿化是城市园林绿化的重要组成部分。Road greening the city an important part of the landscape.

坡上植绿可增添景观、绿化效果。The slope greening landscape, greening effect can be added.

事实上,中国的绿色化被严重夸大了。In fact, the greening of china has been massively overstated.

冷季型草种广泛应用于城市绿化。The low temperature grasses are widely used in city greening.

绿化工程是苏南运河整治工程中的一个组成部分。Greening engineering is a part of Sunan Canal regulation project.

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区域绿化表现出强烈的阶段特征。Regional greening comport strong characteristic of primary stage.

我们成立了跨部门绿化总纲委员会。We have set up an inter-departmental Greening Master Plan Committee.

各种用地变更需景观及绿化配合之有关法令。Related landscape and greening regulations for various land rezoning.

美国海军想让舰队更绿色,已经付出了多年的努力。The US navy has been working on greening its fleet for several years.

大阪高楼林立、商业繁荣、城市绿化率高。Osaka high-rises, commercial prosperity, the high rate of urban greening.

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以期对九江市城市垂直绿化工作提供参考。It aimed to provide scientific basis for vertical greening of Jiujiang City.

在此基础上,提出了乡村人居林建设的3种主要绿化模式。On this basis, 3 main greening modes of rural habitat forest were put forward.

随着气温升高,沙哈拉等干旱地区正从外缘开始逐渐变绿。As temperatures rise, the Sahara and other dry areas are greening on the edges.

另外公路绿化还可以改善交通条件,为高速行车提供保障。Moreover, highway greening can improve traffic conditions and keep drivers safer.

适地适树是高速公路绿化成功的关键因素。Planting trees suitable to sites is the key factor of success in highway greening.

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路体绿地有着特殊的立地条件,要使绿化取得成功,选择适宜的植物是非常关键的。It is very crucial to select the plants to achieve the success of the road greening.

对行政管理及辅助生产设施区域给予重点绿化以美化环境。Area around management buildings and auxiliary production rooms is key greening place.

作为消费者,我们也不应被公司和品牌的环保行动转移注意力。Neither should we be put off the scent as consumers by the greening of companies and brands.