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解剖是命运。Anatomy is destiny.

这里世界的定数。It is world destiny.

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是缘分还是命定?Is it karma or destiny?

星芭有她的命运。Starbuck has a destiny.

她的命运对她公平吗?What about her destiny?

那一天是命中注定的。It is the day of destiny.

我正在控制天命。I am manipulating destiny.

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姻缘命中定。Marriage comes by destiny.

这个就是我的命运!The brooker is my destiny.

布雷泽从不相信命运。Blazer never believed in destiny.

你知道你的命运之轮转向哪里吗?Do you know what your destiny is?

或许命运早有安排。Maybe destiny has it all planned.

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警笛的空隙,老不死的命运。The siren voids, old fool's destiny.

命运之神还有一支银笔。There is a god of destiny silver pen.

我们是自己命运的塑造者!We are the shaper of our own destiny.

我曾经说过,命运总是被高估。Destiny is overrated. Yeah, I said it.

有没有人知道如何战胜命运呢?Does anyone know how to outfox destiny?

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我芣懂我们是否有着各自的命运。I don't know if we each have a destiny.

迪斯特尼需要我们通过这一工作提案。Destiny needs us to pass this jobs bill.

命运,到底是讲机缘、「整定」,还是计选择?Is destiny a matter of chance or choice?