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曲轴箱连杆密封件损坏。Worn crankcase piston rod seals.

曲轴箱把曲轴装置于内。The crankcase house the crankshaft.

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请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸的缘故原由?Could you tell the main reason for crankcase explosion?

还包含一个铝制曲柄箱和平衡飞轮。Contains an aluminum finned crankcase and balanced flywheel.

在安放新过滤器之前,曲轴箱必须滴干。The crankcase has to drain before you put on the new filter.

曲轴箱是发动机气缸体较低的部分。The crankcase is the lower part of the engine cylinder block.

水分水汽在井喷的气体可以进入曲轴箱。Moisture from water vapor in the blow-by gases can enter the crankcase.

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热量传递曲轴箱并散发热量。This heat is transferred to the crankcase. Here the heat is dissipated.

四冲程摩托车用曲轴箱通风系统应当改进。The crankcase ventilation system for 4-stroke motorcycle should be improved.

优越的分散性大大降低了曲轴箱油泥的形成。Superior dispersiveness has reduced the forming of the crankcase oil sludge greatly.

非常剧烈的爆炸会损坏曲拐箱道门并引起机仓着火。A very severe explosion can damage the crankcase door and cause fire in the engine room.

在场的分散剂和洗涤剂增加发泡趋势曲轴箱油。The presence of dispersants and detergents increase the foaming tendency of crankcase oil.

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单件气缸和曲轴箱总成发动机提供卓越的刚性,重量轻。One-piece cylinder and crankcase assembly provides superior engine rigidity and light weight.

机油泵位于曲轴箱中,这样可以将机油从油底壳中抽出并送到发动机中。The oil pump is located in the crankcase so that oil can be drawn from the oil pan and send into the engine.

落座的阀门阻止火焰通过阀门和连接管进入曲轴箱。Backseating the valve stops any flame from traveling through the valve and connecting hose into the crankcase.

汽车污染物来自排气管排出的废气、曲轴箱窜气和燃油蒸发等。Automobile pollutants come from waste gases exhausted from outlet, blow-by of crankcase and vaporization of fuel.

这些新试验能确保提高发动机在高温和高烟炱工况下的耐久性。These new tests can ensure better durability of engine at high temperature and high levels of soot in the crankcase.

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阐述LJ465Q曲轴箱的主坭芯制芯工艺,即由原来的坭芯分半出芯而后粘合改进为整体出芯。It is presented in the paper the improvement of coremaking process from separated to integrated for LJ465Q crankcase.

在飞溅润滑系统中,油从机体下部的油盘或油底壳中飞溅上来。In the splash lubricatIng system, oil is splashed up from the oil pan or oil trays In the lower part of the crankcase.

汽车内泄漏污染物的四个位置是燃油箱、化油箱、曲轴箱和尾管。The four places in the automobile from which pollutants can escape are the fuel tank, carburetor, crankcase and tail pipe.