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其一是就业与住房的关系。One is the employment-housing nexus.

卡雷苟斯对魔枢之战的立场是什么?What's Kalecgos' stance with the Nexus War?

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亡灵战役第四关任务建筑。这个龙络已被污染,所以不能被英雄访问。This Dragon Nexus is corrupted and can't be used by Heroes.

潘恩先生切实地体现了华府与商界的关系。Mr Penn is the very embodiment of the Washington-business nexus.

我们在大学与研发企业之间拥有最佳的结合点。We have a nexus between universities and research-oriented companies.

八道分支激光束在中央放大结点汇聚。The eight tributary laser beams converged at a central amplification nexus.

早在1850年的印第安纳波利斯,是一个酒吧的角落里为社区和对话的关系。Back in 1850′s Indy, the corner bar was a nexus for community and conversation.

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在日本,银行通常是联接着两个持有股份的实体,被称作财阀。In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu.

在日本,银行通常是交叉联结持有股份的实体,被称为财阀。In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu.

该地区位于长江中游,是天然的运输与通讯会合点。The middle stretch of the Yangtze is a natural transportation and communications nexus.

我相当怀疑,当我第一次收到我的极端的联系95兆瓦的邪恶激光教鞭。I was pretty skeptical when I first received my Extreme Nexus 95 mW Wicked Laser pointer.

安迪·埃丁顿给他的桌子,施了魔法,让你知道所有即将发生的好事么?Would Andy Adinton have done his table some magic nexus where you know good things happen?

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近期政府又打击了一起官商勾结的腐败问题。And there has been a recent crackdown on the corrupt nexus between developers and officials.

印度-美国-日本-越南-韩国应该正式宣布反中国的军事联盟。Korea nexus. India-USA-Japan-Vietnam_S. Korea should formally announce Anti-China Military alliance.

从公共汽车站出发走上几分钟,仍然可以听到高速路上的喧闹,“纳克索斯的世界”就坐落在那里。A few minutes' walk from a bus stop, still near enough to hear the din of the highway, lies Nexus World.

奥古斯都时代作为罗马从共和走向帝制的关键转折点,起到了承上启下的重要作用。Augustan Age as the key turning point of Republican Rome to imperial Rome, played a important role in the nexus.

看来,哈尔福德-麦金德爵士关于克什米尔的看法是很对的,它确实正处在一些重大事件的关键点上。Sir Halford Mackinder, it appears, was quite right about Kashmir, which lies at the nexus of these great events.

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行业协会是由企业会员成立的非营利性组织,是连接企业、社会与政府的重要桥梁与纽带。Trade associations are NPOs formed by enterprises that serve as a nexus and bridge between society and government.

犯罪集团和恐怖分子的关系值得予以关注,因为恐怖分子通过犯罪网络来获取后勤物资和资金。The crime-terror nexus is a serious concern as terrorists use criminal networks for logistical support and funding.

我们认为第1503条需要更多——具体地,即妨碍性行为和官方程序之间的联系。We held that §1503 required something more---specifically, a "nexus" between the obstructive act and the proceeding.