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他表示愿意维护正义。He proffered to uphold justice.

八根柱子支撑着这个大圆顶。Eight columns uphold the big dome.

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保护边境,捍卫国家!Protect border. Uphold the Nation.

我们必须坚定地维护民族团结。We must firmly uphold the national unity.

每个公民都应当维护宪法。Every citizen should uphold the Constitution.

宪法授予总统宣战权。The President swore to uphold the constitution.

我们还指望你光宗耀祖呢。We're counting on you to uphold the family honor.

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有八根柱子支撑这个大圆顶。There are eight columns which uphold the big dome.

第三、依靠群众、坚持走群众路线。Third, relying on the masses, uphold the mass line.

提倡民族性,并不排斥国际性。To uphold nationality is not to reject internationality.

美国必须维持这一秩序,而且也只有美国才能做到。The United States must uphold its order, and only it can.

以一己赤诚,维护和实行崇她理想。To pledge myself uphold and practice the ideals of Zonta.

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持戒就是“诸恶不做,众善奉行。”To uphold precepts is just to do no evil but do all good.

发展必须坚持和深化改革。Development requires that we uphold and deepen the reform.

哈佛精神就是崇尚学术自由的气度!Harvard spirit is to uphold academic freedom of tolerance!

我们全力支持本准则并就遵守情况互相监督。We uphold this Code and hold each other accountable to it.

比利时将继续坚定地奉行一个中国的政策。Belgium will continue to firmly uphold the one-China policy.

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袁世凯曾经信誓旦旦,说要坚持共和原则。Yuan Shih-Kai once promised to uphold Republican principles.

司法独立为的是支持法治和人权。Independent judiciaries to uphold rule of law and human rights.

坚持互惠互利,拓展务实合作。Second, uphold mutual benefit and expand pragmatic cooperation.