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你丈夫打鼾吗?Does your husband snore?

他的鼾声大得使我睡不着。His loud snore kept me awake.

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虽然醉鬼酣睡又打呼噜。Though drunkards lie and snore.

那些扁桃体较大的小孩就经常打呼噜。Children with large tonsils often snore.

所以,亲爱的,谢谢你告诉我打呼这件事。So thanks, honey, for telling me I snore.

昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。I heard him snore thunderously last night.

如果你只是打着鼾声睡过去,谁又在乎呢?If you sleep and snore through it, who cares?

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妻已安然入眠,鼾声如雷。His wife has to sleep safely, snore like thunder.

他弯起身子在乱草中躺下,一会儿就打起鼾来。He curled down in the weeds and soon began to snore.

当然也许她们交往的男人都爱打呼噜。Of course, maybe all these women date men who snore.

但医生表示,多数睡眠窒息患者会打鼾。But doctors say most people with sleep apnea do snore.

宝宝小时候也打呼,现在不了,过段时间看看吧!Also snore when my son, and now can not have time to see it!

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为什么打呼噜的人自己听不见是一个永远无法解开的谜。There is no way to find out why a snorer can't hear himself snore.

也许他们在刚做完爱之后就轻声打鼾,或者呈现出一副圆张着嘴的不设防模样。Maybe they snore right after sex. Or they make a disarming "o" face.

他竖起耳朵,眼睛闭得更紧了,假装打起了呼噜。He flattened his ears, closed his eyes tighter and pretended to snore.

根据他的习惯,他背朝她,开始打起鼾来。According to his habit, he turned his back upon her and began to snore.

老头儿一沾到床,立刻鼾声大作。As soon as they put him in the bed he begins to snore like thunderclap.

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夜深了,劳碌一天的母亲睡着了,听着母亲轻微的鼾声。Late at night, labor day mother is asleep now, listen mother slight snore.

性别及BMI配对,没有打鼾的患者作为对照。Sex- and BMI-matched patients who did not snore served as control subjects.

他睡得死,不单口角不时留点细馋水,还抽着细微的鼾。He slept died, not only quarrel often leave fine mouth water, making slight snore.