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现在还很难说公民投票已经是囊中之物。Yet the referendum is not in the bag.

他向该委员会提交了一份备忘录。He tendered the committee a referendum.

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重大政策之创制或复决。Initiative or referendum of important policies.

马耳他就是否允许离婚举行全民公决。Malta holds a referendum on whether to allow divorce.

雨果·查韦斯在一次公民复决中失利。Hugo Chavez's defeated in a constitutional referendum.

绑缚移民、退出欧元区,并举行脱欧公投等建议。Tied to immigrants, exit, and take off the referendum.

然而,总统先生关于公投的主意同样不合时宜。But the president’s referendum idea is equally cock-eyed.

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去年十一月,该国为自治问题举行了全民公决。The country voted for self-rule in a November referendum.

他们谴责公投只是独派的工具。They condemned the referendum law as a tool for separatists.

举行全民公投和重新协商新条款的风险已经消除.这是有助于增强风险偏好的因素.It takes away the risk of a referendum or renegotiating new terms.

Timmermans认为这是有史以来最差劲的一次公投活动。Mr Timmermans says that it was “the worst referendum campaign ever”.

这次全民投票,计划在来年一月进行,或许并不难预测。The referendum scheduled for next January may not be hard to predict.

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根据希腊法律,全民公投提案必须获得议会批准。Under Greek law, Parliament must approve a proposal for a referendum.

这次投票后,意大利国王翁贝托二世被流放。After this referendum the king of Italy Umberto II di Savoia is exiled.

任何一场公投总归免不了闹剧,然而这一场比其他的更不像话。All referendum campaigns are muddles , but this one is odder than most.

就一个新的初选体系举行全民公决有望终结其政治生活中的过度党争。A referendum on a new primaries system could end its polarised politics.

泰国内阁计划就这场政治危机举行公民投票。The Cabinet plans to hold a national referendum on the political crisis.

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全民公投似乎是预料中必然的结果。The referendum seemed almost a foregone conclusion in February, when Mr.

缅甸执政者说,这次公投将会导致2010年进行民主选举。Burma's rulers say the referendum will lead to democratic elections in 2010.

麻塞诸赛州市民公投赞成减少财产税的徵收。The citizens of Massachusetts voted yes in a referendum to cut property tax.