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这啤酒走气了。The lager has gone flat.

但是窖藏啤酒不同于麦芽啤酒。but a lager is different to an ale.

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足以匹配我们良宵的金琥珀色藏酒。A golden amber lager to match our night.

它很喜欢奇怪的啤酒罐和烧烤。It loves the odd can of lager and a barbecue.

麦芽啤酒和窖藏啤酒的区别是什么?What is the difference between an ale and a lager?

哪种大罐啤酒能称得上是地道的德国货?这罐能。Which Lager can claim to be truly German? This can.

哪种大罐啤酒可称得上是地道的德国货?这罐。Which lager can claim to be truly German? This can.

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每罐麦芽啤酒或者贮藏啤酒含有大约150卡路里的热量。Each can of ale or lager contains about 150 calories.

煮一暗熟啤酒准备啤酒蒸虾。Boil a dark lager beer to prepare beer-steamed shrimp.

产自英格兰,一种用苹果酒和大杯啤酒制成的鸡尾酒。Snake Bite, England. A cocktail made from cider and lager beer.

浅粉象啤酒是世界第一啤酒,是一种比利时淡啤酒。Delirium tremens is no. one beer in the world which is a belgian lager beer.

人们已经花了几十年的时间寻找了野生啤酒酵母。People have been searching for the wild ancestor of lager yeast for decades.

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一个家庭建造了个百威啤酒的住宅以表示他们对最喜爱美国窖藏啤酒的敬意。One family built the Budweiser House in homage to their favorite American lager.

在这里曾经发现了一个死人的头骨。A human skull was found here, that was much lager than normal size-hence the name.

我们喝的东西也是如此,粮食是啤酒和生啤的主要部分。It is important in what we drink too, being the prime ingredient in beer and lager.

因为常常跟喝酒后行为不正的年轻人联系在一起,烤肉串得不到最好的定位。More often associated with lager louts than healthniks, kebabs do not get the best press.

植物整治技术可应用于大范围污染场地的整治。Phytoremediation technology can be used for remediation of lager scale contaminated site.

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在此免费学习所有影片关于捷克拉格的Pilsner啤酒类型和分类。Learn all about the Czech Lager Pilsner in this free video on beer types and classification.

同时,区域化、尺度概念的引入,为WEPP应用于大尺度提供技术保障。Meanwhile, the introduction of regionalization concept makes WEPP application in lager areas.

这项发现可以揭秘第一批欧洲啤酒是如何在凉爽的巴伐利亚山洞里酿造而成的。The find reveals how the first batches of European lager were brewed in cool caves of Bavaria.