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他们沿着高速公路疾驶。They buzzed along the superhighway.

禁止在高速公路骑自行车。Bicycles are banned from the new superhighway.

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锡卡超高速公路是现今最备受瞩目的项目。The highest profile project is the Thika Road superhighway.

只需将你的电脑连接到国际互联网,你就会在信息高速公路上驰骋。Hook up your computer to the Internet and you are on your information superhighway.

信息高速公路能使您所要做的许多事情变得轻松简便。Information superhighway can make many things you wan to do easier and more convenient.

东江大桥是惠州至河源高速公路中唯一的一座特大桥,该桥主桥是变截面连续箱梁。The Dongjiang bridge is only one big bridge inside of superhighway from Huizhou to Heyuan.

墨西哥暖流是海水离开美国东海岸的一条向北的高速通道。The Gulf Stream is a northward-flowing superhighway of ocean water off the U. S. East Coast.

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事故预测模型是高速公路紧急事件与安全系统的一个重要子课题。Accident forecasting model is an important task in superhighway emergency and security system.

作为基础设施建设承诺的一部分,我们还需要对数字高速公路进行升级。As part of this commitment to infrastructure, we need to upgrade our digital superhighway as well.

既然已经清楚了这一点,那么您就可以放下汽车顶棚,驾车驶入信息超高速公路了。Now that your mind is clear, put the top down and take a road trip on the information superhighway.

今天信息高速公路已经成为了一个日常话题并正逐渐走入我们的生活。Today information superhighway has become an everyday topic and is making its entry into our lives.

三家中国公司现今在肯尼亚架设一条大规模的超高速公路,连接首都内罗毕和锡卡。Three Chinese companies are building a massive superhighway in Kenya linking Nairobi with the city of Thika.

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该法令提高了竞争,加强了革新,扩展了通向艾尔·戈尔所说的“信息高速公路”的途径。The act increased competition, innovation, and access to what Al Gore had dubbed the information superhighway.

还有的地方,也是所谓的信息高速公路是仅限于一个虚拟的双线道路。There are still also places where the so-called information superhighway is limited to a virtual one-lane road.

大多数公司在给予员工使用信息高速公路的权力上,比教他们学开车做得更好。Most companies are better at giving employees access to the information superhighway than at teaching them how to drive.

信息高速公路建设给图书馆带来了走出低谷,弃旧图新的机遇。The construction of information superhighway brings about an opportunity to the library to replace the old with the new.

理查德先生,我们的“信息高速公路与传播服务学术研讨会”将如期在我中心举行。Mr. Richard, the Symposium on Information Superhighway and Communication Service will be held at our center as scheduled.

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“该系统将成为清洁能源的高速公路”,谷歌绿色商务运营总监李克·李约瑟说。"This system will act as a superhighway for clean energy, " said Rick Needham, Google's green-business operations director.

科学地评价高速公路服务区适应性是服务区合理调整、改扩建的基础。The superhighway service area is attached to the superhighway and it is important in six management systems of superhighway.

紧靠沪杭甬高速公路和萧山国际机场,交通十分便捷。Tight depend the luhan ieo superhighway and the xiao mountain international airports, the transportation is convenient very.