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我们保险公司一般承保水渍险。Our company generally underwrite W.P.A.

没有哪家西方投行同意对这些交易实行硬包销。No Western bank agreed to hard underwrite the offers.

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三家包销公司承购了发行的股票。The issue is underwrite by three underwriting company.

你们的保险公司一般承保哪些险别?Reinsurers underwrite part of the risks of other insurance companies.

英国癌症研究院所做的工作就是确保研究的质量。What Cancer Research UK does is underwrite the quality of that research.

比如是哪些特定的程序,导致了生理功能的产生?What are the particular processes that underwrite biological functioning?

他们已承诺支付该超级市场赤字的一大部分。They have undertaken to underwrite a large proportion of the supermarket's deficits.

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哪些特定的程序,导致了人格功能性的产生?What are the particular processes that underwrite personality or person functioning?

出借人经营是为了私人能获益,但是一旦出现问题,则是纳税人承担责任。Lenders are run for private benefit, but taxpayers underwrite them if things go wrong.

非常成功的纳斯意味着它是用来包底各种形式的过剩。The very success of Petronas means that it is used to underwrite all manner of excess.

佩克对这个热磁马达的概念感兴趣,愿意资助特士拉的研究。Intrigued by the thermomagnetic motor concept, Peck offered to underwrite Tesla's research.

社员由劳合社议会监管并对所承保的保险自行负责。They are governed by the Council of Lloyd's and underwrite insurance for their own accounts.

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瑞银证券可以承销中国国内发行的债券和股票并交易国内证券。That venture is allowed to underwrite domestic bond and equity issues and trade domestic securities.

林方文是为了救她才挺身而出,甚至不惜揽下了负心的责任。Lin Fang Wen is in order to save her to stand up, even to underwrite the responsibilities of cheating.

药商和器械商目前正在为几乎所有需要的医生的继续教育买单。Drug and device makers now underwrite much of the continuing education that is required of nearly all doctors.

闪念之间,我还想让他把上帝从天上请下来,为他的郑重承诺签名作证,不过我并不想刺激他。It crossed my mind to make him bring down his god to underwrite his solemn promise. But I did not want to provoke him.

但这样设想一下,大脑的结构正在败坏,破坏了认知能力。But imagine that what's gone on is there's been decay of the brain structures that underwrite the cognitive functioning.

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他们对其它新品种也提供保险,即他们冒险购买证券,并重新出售给民众。They underwrite new offerings. That means they take the risk of buying the securities and reselling them to the public.

他还说,P2P运营者做的事情几乎和银行是一样的——推销产品、评估借款者、承诺支付和提供贷款服务。He says P2P players do almost everything that banks do—market products, evaluate borrowers, underwrite and service loans.

分析人士说,这增加了欧元区对希腊和葡萄牙等高负债国提供担保的困难。Analysts say that further complicates the eurozone's ability to underwrite debt-heavy nations such as Greece and Portugal.