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邮票是1856年1美分的英国属圭亚那。The stamp is an 1856 one-cent British Guiana.

任何邮票收藏家想以自己的一个仙英属圭亚那。Any stamp collector would like to own the one-cent British Guiana.

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这个传说也出现在神话中的查科和法属圭亚那部落。The legend also appears in the mythology of the Chaco and Guiana tribes.

当时的英国宠臣沃尔特·雷利爵士曾两次到圭亚那寻找黄金国。English courtier Sir Walter Raleigh made two trips to Guiana to search for El Dorado.

1899年,仲裁法庭裁定了委内瑞拉与圭亚那的边界线。In 1899, the arbitration tribunal defined the boundary line between Venezuela and British Guiana.

这将增强圭亚那空间中心和法属圭亚那的防卫能力。It will reinforce the protection of the Guiana space center and of the airspace of French Guiana.

委内瑞拉和英国都声称对英国位于南美洲东北海岸的殖民地圭亚纳地区拥有领土主权。Both countries claimed land that bordered the British colony of Guiana on the northeast coast of South America.

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罗赖马的重要性在尚伯克从英属圭亚那回来几十年后才凸显出来。Roraima's full importance only became apparent during the decades after Schomburgk returned from British Guiana.

欧洲太空局发展亚雅利安一系列宇宙飞船,并支持在法属几内亚的发射装置。The ESA developed the Ariane series of space launch vehicles, and it supports a launch facility in French Guiana.

麦克伊和他的同事们,在研究了法国圭亚那地区大草原的一些奇异特性后,得出了以上结论。McKey and his colleagues came to their conclusion after studying some strange features of the savannahs of French Guiana.

控制你车里的卫星导航系统的卫星很有可能就是从法属圭亚那发射的。The satellite which is controlling your in-car satellite navigation system may well have been launched from French Guiana.

在柬埔寨的血样中没有发现抗药性,但是来自法属圭亚那和塞内加尔的血样中显示出疟原虫的抗性。No resistant parasites were found in the Cambodian samples, but samples from French Guiana and Senegal showed signs of resistance.

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1850年,英属圭亚那当局决定为收取内地邮件的邮资而发行邮票。In 1850 the authorities in British Guiana decided that payment of postage should be shown by affixing stamps to inland correspondence.

这艘无人驾使货运飞船是这类飞船中第一艘,它装载着食物水和衣物于本月在法国圭亚那发射升空。The unmanned cargo carrier — the first of its kind — rocketed away from French Guiana this month with a load of food, water and clothes.

阿拉瓦克人南美印第安族成员,早先居住在大安的列斯群岛大部,现在主要生活于圭亚纳的某些地区。A member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana.

与其它海外属地一样,圭亚那也是法国26个海外地之一,是法兰西共和国不可分割的一部分。Like the other overseas departments, French Guiana is also an overseas region of France, one of the 26 regions of France, and is an integral part of the French Republic.

圭亚那地区海豚的这种感官适应性调节相当新奇,他怀疑“这种能力相对较容易演变,而且容易将机械性刺激感受器官演变为电场感受器”。The adaptation in Guiana dolphins is fairly new, Hanke says, and he suspects that "it is relatively easy to evolve, to change mechanoreceptor organs into electroreceptors".

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每年,都会有新的植物和动物,以及全新的洞穴系统在山顶的偏远地方以及临近的圭亚那高原上100多个高地中被发现。Each year, new species of plant and animal, as well as entire new cave systems, are discovered on remote parts of the summit, and on the 100 or so neighbouring tablelands across the Guiana Highlands.