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他是个有天资的音于封。He is a gifted musician.

我是一个纽约职业音乐家。I'm a working New York musician.

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电影说的是一个著名的音乐家。It said about a famous musician.

吴君全无音乐家的风味。Mr. Wu is nothing of a musician.

这位音乐家前途远大。This musician has a great future.

可是让我们看,音乐家如何对付这些休止符呢?How does the musician read the "rest"?

拿一个音乐家来当例子。Let’s take the example of the musician.

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他是个极有聪明才智的音乐家。He is an incredibly intelligent musician.

她作为一名音乐家,我认为不怎么样。I do not think much of her as a musician.

我们班有六位同学用口哨合吹了一首曲子。The musician is whistling a tune merrily.

几年前我是一个受欢迎的音乐家。A few years ago, I was a popular musician.

他具有优秀音乐家的各种素质。He has all the makings of a fine musician.

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美国女演员与乐手蕾莎‧海莉。American actress and musician Leisha Hailey.

莫札特有一个才华洋溢的音乐家父亲。Mozart had a talented musician for a father.

而且他还是一位非常细致的音乐家。And he was a wonderfully meticulous musician.

我了解一种讨厌实物的音乐人。I know a musician who hates material objects.

当然,这使得公明仪十分生气。This, of course, annoyed the musician greatly.

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不愿成为电脑程序员、音乐家或美容师。A computer programmer, a musician or beautician.

音乐家赚的钱难以过像样的生活。It's hard to make a decent living as a musician.

柯达彩色胶卷的发明者曾是音乐家。The invention of 1 Kodak color films is musician.