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我会谈下掠夺者的结构。I'll go into some of the Marauder mechanics.

维金以及掠夺者是我最喜欢的人族单位。This and the Marauder are my new favorite Terran units.

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为了摆脱跟踪,她加入一伙桑亚萨劫掠者海盗。In a bid to escape her pursuers, she joined a band of Sanyassan Marauder pirates.

詹姆斯•德龙中尉是劫掠者式飞行员,D日当天曾在犹他滩头飞得又低又猛。James Delong was a Marauder pilot who had flown in low and hard on D-Day over Utah Beach.

我可以发现掠夺者在微操下可以发挥得更好,但是我没有技术去达到这点。I can see the Marauder being powerful if micro'd effectively, but I do not have the skill to be able to do this.

掠夺者对付小群单位非常有效,但是没有范围性的的“缓慢”技能却有违他的设定。The Marauder is effective against small groups of units, but beyond that the lack of AoE slow, negates its concept.

掠夺者对付小群单位非常有效,但是没有范围性的的的“缓慢”技能却有违他的设定。Thee Marauder is effective against small groups of units, but beyond that the lack of AoE slow, negates its concept.

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劫掠者俘虏她,把她带到他们破旧的城堡后,诺亚、蒂克和威基特结伴潜入劫掠者的要塞。When the Marauders captured her and took her to their decrepit castle, Noa, Teek and Wicket teamed up to infiltrate the Marauder stronghold.

他们的飞船坠落在星图上没有标注的恩多森林卫星。劫掠者领袖占领了平原上的一座原始城堡,自立为王。Their vessel crashed on the uncharted forest moon of Endor, and the Marauder leader set himself up as king, occupying a primitive castle in the plains.

上面的照片是马来西亚的掠夺蚁,几只弱小的蚂蚁正被一只装备有黑色剪刀状口器的白蚁切成两半。In the photo above, showing the marauder ant in Malaysia, several of the weak ants are being sliced in half by a larger enemy termite with black, scissor-like jaws.

最近我们研究了掠夺者,我们认为通过降低医疗船的速度已经间接削弱了掠夺者。A. Marauder is one of the units that we are looking at through various data, and we think that we nerfed them indirectly in the recent patch through nerfing Medivacs.

据协调动植物在英国聚居地的非本地物种秘书处报告,这些长翅膀的家伙”很快就要来了。And this winged marauder is "likely to arrive soon", according to the Non-native Species Secretariat, which co-ordinates the response to plants and animals that take up home in the UK.