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这是--抱歉?Its-- sorry?

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来看看-有问题么?Say -- sorry?

——我知道,对不起。I know, sorry.

啊,对不起。Whoops, sorry.

不要说对不起。Don't be sorry.

没听清,好的I'm sorry. Okay.

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萨拉,哦,对不起。Sarah oh, sorry.

我真的非常抱歉!I am truly sorry.

对不起,小鸟。Oh! Sorry birdie.

哦哟,真是对不起。Oh, I'm so sorry.

抱歉,打岔一下。Sorry to butt in.

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我们非常抱歉。We’re very sorry.

丹尼尔,不好意思。Daniel. I'm sorry.

不明不白我离你而去。I am sorry to you!

很抱歉我们夺门而入。Sorry to barge in.

为此,我感到抱歉。For this, I am sorry.

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我只是为他感到难过。I felt sorry for him.

抱歉,不行。No, you can't. Sorry.

抱歉胡说了一通。Sorry for the drivel.