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雷孟达的声音有着算计和紧缩的效果。De Roquefort’s voice had a calculating and deflationary effect.

这样就会使金币标准可操作了因为不会引起通货紧缩。That would make a gold standard practicable and not too deflationary.

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如果日本跌入通缩陷阱,遭受痛苦的决不止他一个。If Japan were to fall into a deflationary trap, it would not suffer alone.

美国和全其经济是否很快面临通缩压力?And will the U.S. and global economies soon face sharp deflationary pressures?

但是,如果日元继续保持强势,日本就爬不出通货紧缩的泥沼。But Japan cannot get out of the deflationary mess if the yen keeps strengthening.

美国在逐月向日本式的通胀陷进靠近。And with each passing month we drift closer to a Japanese-style deflationary trap.

对于悲观主义者来说,如果我们会遭遇日本式的通缩,那就买国债。For pessimists, if we're in for a Japanese-style deflationary bust, buy Treasurys.

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数量有限的特点使得比特币有内在通货紧缩的特性。The limit on the number of Bitcoins also makes the system inherently deflationary.

但有一点我比他更清楚,那就是最大的通缩压力已经过去了。However, I am more certain than he is that the maximum deflationary pressures have passed.

也就是说,通缩的预期不仅在企业,而且在家庭里出现。In other words, deflationary expectations are taking hold in both businesses and households.

但当人口萎缩,投资过剩随时间而恶化,形成螺旋式通货紧缩。But when populations shrink, overinvestment gets worse over time, creating a deflationary spiral.

同时,美国和欧洲正在朝日式的通货紧缩陷阱走去。And both the United States and Europe are well on their way toward Japan-style deflationary traps.

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费希尔说,"风险似乎是通货紧缩,或至少在中期内是反通胀的.""The risk appears to be deflationary or at least disinflationary in the medium term," said Fisher.

中国已经决然地从世界经济的紧缩因素变成通胀因素。China has turned decisively from being a deflationary to an inflationary factor in the world economy.

美联储周二将召开会议,当下的危险是普遍存在的通货紧缩心态。With the Fed meeting Tuesday, the danger at the moment is that a deflationary mind-set is taking hold.

再次,有些人强调更灵活的货币制度会造成通货紧缩,增加中国的失业人口。Third, some argue that a more flexible system will prove deflationary and increase Chinese unemployment.

发达经济仅仅是进入一轮价格下跌,还是将跌入三十年代式通货紧缩的漩涡?Are rich economies heading merely for a bout of falling prices, or for a 1930s-style deflationary spiral?

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房地产繁荣引发的负债过高,还可能给萧条时期的经济带来通货紧缩压力。Over-indebtedness born of the housing boom may also contribute to deflationary pressures during the bust.

届时,随着美元贸易加权汇率的升值,美国承受的通缩压力将进一步增大。The result is more deflationary pressure on the United States as the trade-weighted dollar rises in value.

对于进行中的通胀和正在开始的剧烈通缩还有任何疑问吗?Is there any doubt about this ongoing inflation capitulation and the beginning of sharp deflationary forces?