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这就是系统化。It's systematic.

对于所有其他系统的知识呢?What about all other systematic knowledge?

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老子的环境思想是系统的。Lao Tze's environment thought is systematic.

中国水筛属植物系统分类。Systematic classification of Blyxa in China.

詹纳的方法则更加系统Jenner did this in a much more systematic way.

体积的系统化操作。Systematic use of cell-matrix control volumes.

我的5800怎么开机会说系统错误?I 5800 how starting will say the systematic error?

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今天驱邪是更具暴力和更有系统的。Today the exorcism is more violent and systematic.

梁实秋的古典主义文学理论自成体系。Liang Shiqiu' s theory of classicism is systematic.

血压是指体循环的?Does blood pressure point to systematic circulation?

作者对规范变换进行了较为系统的研究。A systematic study is made of regular transformation.

首次系统研究了绵羊服装革的酸性酶软化技术。First, a systematic study was conducted to acid bating.

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他创建了自己的一套,思想和历史的系统。He elaborated a systematic account of mind and history.

蔷薇科太行花属系统位置的研究。The systematic position of genus Taihangia in Rosaceae.

韩戈玲博士所做的这一研究便是其一。Therefore, a more global and systematic study is needed.

但有关腺齿木科的系统位置存在争议。But the systematic position of Trimeniaceae is in dispute.

碎屑岩相模式的识别是带有一定系统性的。Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic.

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如果是的话,你应该把它加入到你的系统级复用的规划中。If so, you should add it to your systematic reuse roadmap.

实验教学改革是一项系统工程。The reform of experiment teaching is a systematic project.

对计算系统和计算的系统学习。The systematic study of computing systems and computation.