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假象你出于自己正担心的事情中。Inoculate yourself against a feared event.

一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.

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将香蕉泥与牛奶调配接种乳酸菌发酵制成凝固型香蕉酸牛乳。Inoculate lactic acid funguses ferment in the mixture of banana and milk.

该融合菌株可分别在双亲寄主植物上结瘤。Fusion hybrid can inoculate in the leguminous of parental strains respectively.

未接种麻疹疫苗是造成发病的主要原因。The main cause of measles was failure to inoculate measles vaccine for children.

直至一六七○年代,才有医者至北京为上阶层种痘。Not until the 1670s did physicians arrive in Beijing to inoculate the upper-class community.

批量大小是根据制造商能得到、接种和孵化多少鸡蛋来决定的。The size of the batch depends on how many eggs a manufacturer can obtain, inoculate and incubate.

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但是,如果目标是为了防止衰退及避免更多的金融混乱而打防疫针的话,那么答案是否定的。But if the goal is to inoculate us against recession and more financial turmoil, the answer is no.

从标本中识别出的有益特征帮助美国对作物采取防病措施。Useful traits identified in the samples have helped inoculate U.S. crops from dangerous pathogens.

为确保来自生物固氮的有效氮不限制豆科作物的产量,许多农民用根瘤菌接种他们的作物。To ensure N available from BNF does not limit legume yield, many farmers inoculate their crops with rhizobia.

颗粒接种剂通常就是为此而特制的,常用在处理过的花生种子上。Granular inoculant is made specifically for this purpose and is commonly used to inoculate treated groundnut seed.

如果他能够完全地嫁接“他是女人”这种想法,就会除去男性身体奇特的欲望。If he can inoculate himself thoroughly with the idea that he is a woman, he can get rid of the desires peculiar to his male body.

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在爱德华兹早期的任职时,谢尔盖.布林就很认真的建议道,谷歌将会利用其整个市场预算去“接济车臣的难民来对抗霍乱。”Early in Edwards’s tenure, Sergey Brin suggests, quite seriously, that Google use its entire marketing budget “to inoculate Chechen refugees against cholera.”

因此,有必要根据菌种的营养需求,研制一种发酵助剂以便顺利地完成MLF。In developed wine making countries, most of the wineries use commercial fermentation promoters which are based on nutrition requirements of LAB to inoculate MLF.

应用喷灌水滴分布模型、水滴蒸发模型和水滴运动模型对喷灌蒸发进行了预测,预测结果与实测蒸发量吻合。This paper applies the models of distribution, evaporation and movement of sprinkler droplets to prognosticate sprinkler irrigation evaporations , results inoculate with experimental data.

而设定的目标是要为1600万美国人进行预防注射,到10月底以前可用的剂量比这个指标还少得多,到那时连鼻子抽泣的孩子都能很快传播疾病了。The aim is to inoculate as many as 160 million Americans, but far fewer doses may be ready by the end of October, by which time sniffling children may well be quickly spreading the disease.

将病毒接种于健康犊牛体内,间隔三天采集全血、鼻液和粪便,利用RT-PCR可以在其全血及感染早期鼻液中检测到BVDV阳性。The animal comes back to test, it can utilize RT-PCR in the whole blood their and infect virus early nose is it reach BVDV to be positive to measure among the liquid on bovine to inoculate.

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飞行中队指挥官圣袁,电子星某个特种部队首领,他还在给我们全员进行接种时,就被送到时空之门里去了,就是那个带我们来的时空门。Squadron Commander Apelinq, the leader of a Cybertronian special operations team, was ultimately sent through the same portal that brought us here, before he could inoculate the rest of my crew.

而随着越来越多的青年人给自己接种预防吸烟恶习,随着更多的非吸烟者为自己能呼吸新鲜空气的权利而努力,反吸烟的潮流会继续壮大。And as more and more young people inoculate themselves against developing the habit, and as more nonsmokers fight for their rights to breathe fresh air, the anti-smoking trend should continue to grow.