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法令违宪了吗?Is the statute unconstitutional?

在1847年,澳门已有赌博合法化的法令。The statute legalizing lottery existed as early as 1847.

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反对追授奖项的规定是否应删除?Shouldthe statute against posthumous awarding be removed?

该法令的措辞成为争论的焦点。The wording of this statute was the subject of controversy.

俄亥俄州法律对来自外州的废弃物征收加重了税收。The Ohio statute imposed higher taxes on out-of-state waste.

权栗将军雕像,他指挥了这场战斗。The statute of the General Kwon Yul who commanded the battle.

三是有关土地的法律法规不健全。Finally, the law and statute correlated with the land is distempered.

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如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告将无法得到救济.If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress.

教务会议已经通过了一项记分制度章程。Congress has authorized the president to suspend the operation of a statute.

破坏环境之行为可以被法律规定为犯罪。An act that is destructive to the environment may be criminalized by statute.

众所周知,我国是以制定法为主要法源的国家。It is known to all that in China statute law serves as the main legal source.

法律规定,汽车只有在警告他人有危险情况时才可鸣笛,不能因个人愤怒鸣笛。The Act has been on the statute book for 62 years but has never been enacted.

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师德建设要与法规制度相结合,在校风学风、校园文化建设上下功夫。The construction of teacher's ethics and statute system should be integrated.

其他依法不适用诉讼时效规定的债权请求权。Any other claim to which the provisions on statute of limitations are inapplicable.

与补偿性赔偿相比,它具有惩罚性、依附性和法定性的特点。Compared with compensation, it has characters of punishment, adherence and statute.

一部法典化的制定法包括包括所有关于某特定事项的法律规定。A codifying statute involves the enactment of the whole law on a particular subject.

他们就规定死刑的法规是否违宪进行争论。They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional.

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某一侵权案件中所包含的权利与义务,或基于法令条例,或基于判例法而产生。The rights and duties involved in at ort case may arise from either statute or common law.

塞内加尔已批准了这些条约,并已承诺尊重该组织的章程。Senegal has ratified these treaties and has undertaken to respect the Organization’s statute.

这一法规是他们所做选择的框架,是在较大的范围内做出的选择。The statute is the framework that they have chosen and that they have chosen by a wide margin.