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非印度教。It is not Hinduism.

那些我们都称之为“印度教We're going to call that "Hinduism."

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后来印度教的三神一体。The triad of divinities of later hinduism.

印度教是这个国家的官方宗教。Hinduism is the official religion of the country.

传统的、修来世的宗教,如印度教。Traditional other-worldly religions such as hinduism.

在印度教,他被认为是二分性的密特拉—伐楼拿而赞扬。In Hinduism he is praised as the binomial Mitra -Varuna.

部分的由于这是印度教的影响的原因。Part of the reason for this is the influence of Hinduism.

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印度教的一个更深一层的特征就是非暴力的理念。A further characteristic of Hinduism is the ideal of ahimsa.

“坦陀罗”这个词是梵语,印度教的宗教语言。The word Tantra is Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism.

人口中还有一小部分信仰印度教和万物教。Small segments of the population practise Hinduism or animism.

你认为印度教和拜火教有什么联系?What connection do you think Hinduism has with Zoroastrianism?

对,特别是佛教和印度教,我研究过印度教。Yeah, especially Buddhism and Hinduism, I come out of Hinduism.

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印度教从它的印欧传统中拥有为数不多的残存。Hinduism has a few direct survivals from its Indo- European heritage.

我不常听印度教讨论天堂地狱的观念。Heaven and hell aren't ideas I've heard discussed very much in Hinduism.

而很多印度教、婆罗门教教徒,也加入了佛教徒的行列。Many followers of Hinduism and Brahminism joined the ranks of Buddhists.

1961年,法律更进一步地破坏印度教传统的嫁妆。The 1961 law forbidding dowries further undermined traditional Hinduism.

这一概念是佛教和印度教最基本的教义之一。This concept is one of the fundamental doctrines in Buddhism and Hinduism.

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感谢英国掠夺者及其布道者对印度教的妖魔化。Thanks to demonization of Hinduism by British lootersand their evangelists.

第二章是论佛教,视做印度教的一个分支。The second chapter is on Buddhism, which is treated as an offshoot of Hinduism.

印度教是非常仪式,其中包括极端的自我否定和自我惩罚。Hinduism is very ritualistic and includes extreme self denial and self punishment.