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下面是Archibald,MacLeish的话。Here is Archibald MacLeish.

布朗大学的阿基保尔。Archibald of Brown University.

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实际上,我不会和王子一起去了。I'm going with Nate Archibald.

当地居民约翰阿奇柏德这样描述死鱼散发出的气味。Local resident John Archibald described the smell this way.

奇怪得很,甘老先生却是喜欢他,信任他的。And, strangely enough, old Archibald admired and trusted him.

米瑟斯韦特庄园是阿奇博尔德•克雷文的家。Medlock. Misselthwaite Manor was Mr. Archibald Craven's house.

你的儿子是阿齐博得.威基蒂船长的曾祖孙对吗?Your son’s great-grand son of Captain Archibald Wikity, is he not?

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当他相信自己已准备好了去深造的时候,就写信给阿奇博尔德。When he was satisfied that he was ready to branch out, he wrote archibald.

没有耶稣基督,你不能完全康复。"Without Jesus Christ, you never have total healing. " Dr. Archibald Harts.

阿奇博尔德先生似乎不想自找麻烦多方规劝。Mr. archibald did not give himself the trouble of making many remonstrances.

一位比较现实的诗人——阿契博德·麦克勒什这样说,“秋天是美国的季节。A more realistic poet, Archibald MacLeish, says that “Autumn is the American season.

她故意对阿奇博尔德先生强调她的愿望,说她以前曾见到过玛吉。She purposedly coloured her wish to mr. archibald by saying that she had seen madge formerly.

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我想现在是时候,让你们知道我是多认真了。内特尼尔·阿齐布尔德将在圣犹大学休学。And I think it's time you all know how serious I am. Nathaniel archibald is suspended from st. jude's.

我在电话簿中查了所有姓琼斯的人,可是每次都找不到阿契波尔德·琼斯。I looked up all the Joneses in the telephone book but I drew a blank every time I asked for Archibald Jones.

我告诉过阿齐布尔德夫人我们必须今晚搞定。喂,是我,-喂,收到我的短信了吗?。I told Mrs. Archibald we could have it done by tonight. Hey. hey. it's me. hey, you. did you get my message?

阿瑟·米勒与美国诗人阿奇博尔德·麦克利什都喜欢说,美国的精髓在于它所作出的承诺。Arthur Miller, echoing the poet Archibald MacLeish, liked to say that the essence of America was its promises.

“我也这么想,”甘老先生蔼然的说,仿佛儿子的报告就是对于自己依然康强的一种恭维。"I suppose not, " said Archibald Kane genially , as if the report were a compliment to his own hardy condition.

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那·奇博尔德做整,便其游者道沿着乔治亚街。Archibald makes last-minute costume adjustments before parading down Georgia Avenue with other parade participants.

当克劳福太太告诉玛丽几天后她会去英国,住到她的姑夫阿奇博尔特•克雷文家。When Mrs. Crawford told Mary that she was going to live in England with her uncle, Archibald Craven, Mary said nothing.

色拉那·阿奇博尔德在做最后的衣服整理,以便同其他游行者一道沿著乔治亚大街行进。Selana Archibald makes last-minute costume adjustments before parading down Georgia Avenue with other parade participants.