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一天中要充两次电。Or twice a day.

下了两次雪。It snowed twice.

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二二得四。Twice two is four.

这一步要做两次。Do this step twice.

我喊了他两声。I called him twice.

他重复了两遍。He repeats it twice.

就是他留过两次级。He was held back twice.

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蒂米喝了两次茶。Timmy drinks tea twice.

试着一天跑二次。Try to run twice a day.

他筛了两下锣。He beats the gong twice.

它们每年繁殖两次。They breed twice yearly.

他每日两省其身。He meditates twice a day.

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她抽着鼻子,一次,两次。She sniffed, once, twice.

感觉加倍好得快!Feel Better Twice As Fast!

一周吃两次菠菜。Have spinach twice a week.

蒂米喝了两次茶。Timmy eats tomatoes twice.

如同已降临的这两次。As these that twice befell.

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大卫躲避他两次。But David eluded him twice.

我一天梳两次头发。I comd my hair twice a day.

但他们需要三思而后行。But they should think twice.