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其结构和工作原理本文在第五章作了详细的说明。The structure and function is discussed detailedly in chapter five.

在本文的主体部分中,具体介绍了自动重合器控制器的硬件设计。Secondly, the hardware design of the recloser controller is introduced detailedly.

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详细的论述了OAM安全认证系统的设计与实现。Detailedly discuss the design and realization of OAM security authentication system.

特别对库水与坝体耦合振动问题进行了详细的阐述。Especially, the author researches the coupling libration of water and dam detailedly.

文章对后备式UPS设计中的关键参数及其处理方法进行了详细介绍。The key parameters of system and method of processing are also introduced detailedly.

详细研究了空中机动目标检测的传感器管理问题。Besides, it detailedly researches the problems of sensor management on dynamic target.

随后详细介绍了运用认知行为疗法进行心理咨询的一例个案。Whereafter, a case study of behavioral-cognitive therapy has been introduced detailedly.

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本文第五章具体介绍运动补偿模块的复用设计。In chapter 5, it introduces the reusable design of motion compensation module detailedly.

本文对MMS系统进行了深入的研究,详细阐述了多媒体短信服务系统的体系结构。This paper introduces the system of MMS and detailedly researches on the architecture of MMS.

详细阐述了帧同步和网同步方法。And it detailedly expatiates the frame synchronization and the network synchronization methods.

第二部分,详细地剖析论述阿兰·德·伯努瓦的思想主张的内容和实质。In the second part, I discuss the content and substance of Alain de Benoist's thought detailedly.

最后对连动型、兼语型复合词的配价情况进行了详细地分析。At last, the valence situation of serial-verb and telescopic compound words are analyzed detailedly.

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第五章具体讨论了社保卡COS的软件设计与实现。The fifth chapter detailedly discusses software's design and realization of society security card COS.

文中详细分析了其设计原理、测量精度及实现方法。It has been analysed detailedly for its designing principle, testing accuracy and the designing method.

研究了广义球谐函数及其相关定积分的数值计算方法。A lot of computing methods of the fully normalized associated Legendre function are detailedly discussed.

较为详细地介绍了岩巷作业线的组成及应用效果。The paper detailedly introduced the mechanizing line in rock lane about structure and application effect.

文章对泄水建筑物的缺陷处理措施、施工工艺给出了详尽的介绍。The paper introduces detailedly the sluice building's defect treatment measure and construction craftwork.

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第二部分,具体论述花意象热点——大观园花人合一的群芳争妍意象。The second part detailedly the linchpin of flowerage imagoes- beautiful women and fragrant flowers imagoes.

对本组中行单纯神经内镜下ETV手术的12例病人作手术前后3D-CISS序列扫描的较为详细的影像学评价。Detailedly evaluate the 3D-CISS sequence scanning for 12 cases in the group before and after ETV operations.

详细介绍了螺杆转子齿形磨削技术的应用,设备的功能实现。Detailedly introduce applying technique of grinding screw rotor's profile, equipment's function realization.