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什么是老花眼?What is Presbyopia?

我看书报时,是戴了老花眼镜。I read newspaper, is wearing a Presbyopia mirror.

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关于老花眼能不能做Lasik手术的问题。Can someone with presbyopia get LASIK eye surgery?

我看书报时,是戴了老花眼镜。I read newspaper, is wearing Presbyopia the mirror.

一款多焦点镜片带有矫正老视的设计。A multifocal lens designed for the correction of presbyopia.

能告诉我你父亲是近视还是老视眼吗?Would you tell me whether your father has myopia or presbyopia?

老花母鸡用翅膀挡住小灰鸽说。Presbyopia Mother chicken wings, said blocking the small gray doves.

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增加,爷爷的老视越来越严重了。With advancing age, my grandpa gets more and more serious presbyopia.

探讨巩膜扩张术治疗老视的机理。To discuss the mechanism of scleral expansion in therapying the presbyopia.

估计目前有9千万美国人患有老视。An estimated 90 million people in the United States presently have presbyopia.

老视是因年龄相关性调节幅度的下降使得近阅读渐渐困难的一种生理老化现象。Presbyopia is age-related reduction in amplitude of accommodation and can not read comfortably.

老花眼如何治疗呢?配戴老花眼镜是最简单、也是必要的方法。Presbyopia how to treat it Presbyopia-wear is the most simple, it is also necessary to approach.

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虽然有局限性,某些老花眼患者还是能从LASIK眼科手术中受益。Certain people with presbyopia may benefit from LASIK eye surgery, although there are limitations.

由于老花眼的程度会随著年龄增加而变化,所以老花眼镜的度数也会随之加深。Presbyopia the extent of the increase will change with age, so Presbyopia-the degree will also deepen.

目的探讨基层眼科老视的科学验配方法。Objective To compare the effect of three methods for scientific fitting presbyopia in primary hospital.

体重由近80公斤降至目前的75公斤,体重轻了,如今又可以跳起来了。I cast off my glasses for presbyopia . My weight has reduced to 75kg from 80kg. Now I can jump up again.

本文就近年来国内外报道的有关角膜、晶状体及巩膜等的老视矫正术作一综述。This article is a review of the presbyopia corrections related to cornea, lens and sclera in recent years.

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老视是一种生理现象,不论屈光状态如何,每个人均会发生老视。Presbyopia is a physiological phenomenon. Whatever its refraction is, everyone will have to face presbyopia.

在品种的选择上,不要挑花眼了,可以根据自己的喜好选择木纹的花色。On the choice of breed, do not carry presbyopia , can choose Mu Wen's design and color according to his be fond of.

如果您接近40岁,或已经过了那个岁月,可能您已体验到老花的问题。If you are approaching 40, or have recently passed that milestone, you're likely experiencing the onset of presbyopia.