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一个人时,没错。Only," exactly.

不,不完全是。No, not exactly.

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完全相同。Exactly the same.

是暴民政治,没错。Mob rule, exactly.

垄断情况,完全正确Monopoly, exactly.

NP到底是什么?What is BNP exactly?

刚好在边界上面Exactly on the border.

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什么是花色肉冻?What exactly is aspic?

这话不完全正确。That is not exactly true.

它们是完全一样的They're exactly the same.

究竟什么引起岔气?What exactly causes them?

照我所说的写。Write exactly as I speak.

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我准确地知道我们要做什么。I know exactly what we do.

何为自由落体?What exactly is free fall?

我的身孕具体说来有多"深"了?How pregnant am I, exactly?

精确测绘犁沟距间。Mapping the furrow exactly.

先知殉教者,没错。The martyr prophet exactly.

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这个“赕佛”它到底是什么意思?What exactly does the word.

"G-点"到底是什么?what exactly is the g-spot?

它不会--嗯,确实。It doesn't -- yeah, exactly.