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不容分说的解雇、指责、喊叫。A peremptory dismissal, rebuke, shout.

他那专横的口气激怒了大家。His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.

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他那专横的语气激怒了大家。His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.

她现在已是两个无法无天的小男孩的母亲。She was the mother of two peremptory little boys.

他做了一个简单的手势,近乎霸道地指着椅子。With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair.

他横蛮的性格,让周围的人感到厌恶。His peremptory character makes people around him feel disgusted.

但是来自于楼上不容置疑的反对声,阻止了这戏台上的任何演出。But a peremptory negative from upstairs prevented any play from being acted thereon.

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博客作者俨然成为美国的最新职业。Rich traveler writer is peremptory the newest profession that becomes the United States.

一看到伯爵,管家向军官和勤务兵作了一个明显而严厉的手势,要他俩走开。The butler, seeing his master, made a significant and peremptory sign to them both to retire.

那种独断专行,把同盟者置之不理的态度,是不对的。It is wrong to indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions and to ignore our allies.

四个鞭打般的小节,以带强调的最强音给乐句一个或多或少野蛮而断然的结束。Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the.

这俨然涵盖了一个中小企业经营所涉及的各个层面。This is peremptory each levels that covered a medium and small businesses to manage place to involve.

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与此同时,他们也指斥了乾隆的专横独断等行为。In the meanwhile, they also point out and criticize Qianlong's arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions.

四个鞭打般的小节,以带强调的最强音给乐句一个或多或少野蛮而断然的结束。Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the phrase.

俨然融合颜色似乎下来——今年的首要选择服装的分配。Color peremptory amalgamation seems to be down this year accouterments dress allocation of the primary choice.

这些孩子时常和他的枕头、布娃娃等说话,俨然象对待一个他最亲近的朋友。These children wait conversation with baby of his pillow, cloth constantly, peremptory elephant treats his closest friend.

人们普遍认为必须对企业的经营方式进行根本变革,但是却没有切实可行的办法。All people agreed that a radical reform of their conduct of affairs was peremptory. But no practical suggestions turned up.

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现在的家,可以转着圈看个够,除了卫生间,所有的空间都是相通、相容的,俨然一个大房间。Present home, can turn the circle sees enough, besides toilet, all spaces are to be interlinked, allow, peremptory a big room.

他们也同这些朋友对话,给它们喂饭,嘘寒问暖,俨然生活中真存在这样一些小朋友。They also speak with these friends, feed a meal to them, inquire after sb's health, such a few children exist really in peremptory life.

在英国,只有辩护方有权利对候选陪审员提出无因回避请求,拒绝一定数量的陪审员。While in UK, only the defense has the opportunity to make a peremptory challenge to the potential juror and arbitrarily reject a number.