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早期脱水——无迹象或无症状。Early dehydration – no signs or symptoms.

疲劳可能是脱水的一种表现。Your fatigue can be a sign of dehydration.

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旋转挤水设计、脱水不沾手。Rotary squeeze water design, dehydration left the.

由于下泻,可引起脱水。Due to the resultant effect, can cause dehydration.

记得喝多点水才不至于虚脱。Make sure you drink plenty to save-off dehydration.

不脱水或过度脱水的效果均差。No dehydration or over-dehydration gave poor results.

脱水是夏季?≈凶钪匾囊桓鑫侍?。Dehydration is the most important health issue of summer.

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如果出现脱水迹象,应向卫生人员咨询。Consulting a health worker if there are signs of dehydration.

时间过长,易导致肌肤失水、失养。Longer time easily leads to dehydration and dystrophy to skin.

冷却能力不足会造成中暑脱水。Not enough cooling power could mean heatstroke or dehydration.

在马拉松的赛程中有些跑者因为脱水而累倒了。Some runners collapsed due to dehydration during the marathon.

随着它的外壳受损,小强会很快死于脱水。With its shell damaged, the roach will soon die of dehydration.

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脱水是宿醉症状的主要原因之一。Dehydration is one of the main causes of your hangover symptoms.

没有强有效的治疗,细小的受害者会死于脱水。Without intense treatment, the victims of parvo die of dehydration.

老师告诉小朋友们要留在遮阴处避免脱水。The teacher told the kids to stay in the shade to avoid dehydration.

要知道,脱水降低血量容量,引起疲劳。You see, dehydration reduces the blood volume which creates fatigue.

脱水会导致虚弱、精神萎靡以致死亡。Dehydration can lead to weakness, mental fatigue and eventually death.

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疲劳、易怒、精神不振是脱水引起的常见症状。Dehydration is a common cause of feeling tired, cranky, and depressed.

她的脱水或药物副作用可能给她留下一个幻觉。Dehydration or a medication side effect may be behind a hallucination.

必要时,经口或经胃肠道外补给液体,以防止脱水。Give fluid orally or parenterally as necessary to prevent dehydration.