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它不偏袒任何一方。It speaks without bias.

它存在着偏见。So there is a bias there.

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前胸袋口以纵纹剪裁造出斜格效果。Two front pockets in bias cut.

第一,股权偏好First, in terms of equity bias.

生存偏差有多重要How important is this survivorship bias?

当然,这就导致形成了个人偏见。This, of course, leads to personal bias.

因为没有增长或者下跌的偏向。Since there's no upward or downward bias.

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这名法官执法公正无私。The judge dispenses the law without bias.

一些人指责法院存在反非洲的偏见。Some accuse court of an anti- African bias.

这位钢琴家偏爱萧邦。The pianist has a bias in favour of Chopin.

保险公司也要面临选择性偏差They also have to deal with selection bias.

我们回到这里,一个简单的偏差值。Let's go back to where, a simpler bias here.

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阶级偏见即使不能根除,也被削弱。Class bias was ameliorated if not eliminated.

他的经历使他对商人抱有偏见。His experiences bias him against businessmen.

你觉得有一个偏向值之后他会怎样?So what do you think it should do with a bias?

老板对女性求职者抱有偏见。The boss has a bias against female applicants.

他们必须无偏见地解决问题。They must deal with the question without bias.

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错误理解ODC概念将导致偏差。Misunderstanding of ODC concepts leads to bias.

雪崩光电二极管APD的偏压产生电路。Avalanche photodiode APD bias circuit generated.

很多方面他都持美学上的偏见。In many ways Yeats retained this aesthetic bias.