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你知道吉娜有幽闭恐惧症吗?Did you know that Jena was claustrophobic?

1986年,耶拿东蔡重新开始生产相机。While in 1986, Carl Zeiss Jena resumed production of cameras.

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我不能相信的嚣张地区检察官在耶拿。I cannot believe the brazenness of the District Attorney in Jena.

自耶拿事件以来,全美已发生了另外几起套索事件。Since the Jena case, there have been several other noose incidents across the country.

卡尔蔡司1846年成立于Jena,是一家生产精密光机的工厂。Carl Zeiss was founded in1846 in Jena as a workshop for precision mechanics and optics.

贝格尔在耶拿大学学习过医学、神经学、精神病学和心理学。Berger studied medicine, neurology, psychiatry and psychology at the University of Jena.

卡尔蔡司于1995年秋天,解散了原耶拿的业余天文望远镜部门。Carl Zeiss dissolved their amateur telescope division located at Jena in the Fall of 1995.

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耶拿桥稀少的行人,在走远之前,回头看一下景色中。The rare passers-by on the Pont de Jena turned their heads, before they pursued their way.

保护自己的例子,但为了相贤受伤的打字原告小说开始清扫尽全力日为止。Jena is trying to protect his injured Waxing for the novel manuscript typing work from cleaning to help the best.

“耶拿六人案”的公诉人表示对将17岁嫌犯麦克贝尔送上青少年法庭的裁决不再有异议。The prosecutor in the "Jena Six" case says he won't challenge a ruling that sent a 17-year-old suspect to juvenile court.

耶拿的科学家又在一次实验中准确检查了模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫中的浓缩范围。In a second experiment, the Jena scientists examined exactly this range of concentration in the model organism C. elegans.

德国耶拿大学的心理学家发现,人们的外表年龄往往随着身边的人有所变化。Psychologists from Jena University in Germany discovered that a person's perceived age varies depending on the people they are with.

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种族控告“耶拿六”中的5名被告今天将在路易斯安那法庭受审The five remaining defendants in the racially charge "Jena Six" cases are expected to enter pleas in a court room today in Louisiana

有消息称,德国Jena大学的研究人员花费了三年时间,想让一只树熊能沿着一个杆子爬上来又爬下去。News arrived that researchers at the University of Jena in Germany had been trying for three years to get a sloth to climb up and down a pole.

耶拿大学附设医院正在实施一连串前景大好的保健革新,以智慧建筑工程优化组织物流。Promising healthcare innovations are being put into practice at the University Hospital in Jena. Intelligent building construction optimizes logistics.

杰纳称,没有18世纪的寿命表数据,因此他的团队以19世纪早期的数据为基础,估算出了类似的寿命。Life table data does not go back to the 18th century, Dr. Jena said, so his team estimated comparable life expectancies based on early 19th-century data.

阿贝的发现是显微镜设计理念的一次革命。从此耶拿造出来的蔡司显微镜成为了一个品牌,以其卓越的质量和创新赢得了世界。Abbe's discoveries mark a revolution in microscope design. The new microscopes built in Jena gain the name of Zeiss a worldwide reputation for quality and innovation.

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在战后的第一年,蔡司公司再次展示出对未来的信心。约4500名工人在耶拿开始了蔡司的重建。In the first years after the war, Carl Zeiss once again demonstrates the significance of a future-oriented attitude. Reconstruction in Jena starts with a workforce of about 4500.

1991年,耶拿东蔡至少提供了19种从融合物和化工溶液中提取的不同的材料,在它近30年的生产历史中,共完成了250吨物资生产订单。By 1991 Jena offered at least 19 different materials grown from melts and solutions, having made something on the order of 250 tons of materials in its recent 30 years of production.

德国耶拿大学的研究人员称,向医生描述你的疼痛感同样会弄巧成拙--因为这会激活脑部被称作“痛感矩阵”的区域。Talking to your doctor about your pain might therefore be self-defeating claims the researchers at Jena University in Germany as it stimulates a part of the brain known as the "pain matrix".