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唐纳德·特朗普添外孙女了。Donald Trump has a new grandchild.

孔融是孔子的第二十世孙。Kong Rong is Confucius' 20th grandchild.

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这女人超爱她的长孙。The woman loves her first grandchild tremendously.

俄罗斯一名73岁老人的第102个孙子出世。In Russia, a 73-year-old man had his 102nd grandchild.

老人一见到孙子就喜笑颜开的。As soon as the old man sees his grandchild his face lights up.

父买、子修建、孙儿卖,重孙街上当乞丐。The father buys,the son bigs,the grandchild sells,and his son thigs.

这是我想要的东西,但这是我抱着的是我的孙子。It's something somehow I wanted, but here's this grandchild I held now.

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父买、子修建、孙儿卖,重孙街上当乞丐。The father buys, the son bigs, the grandchild sells, and his son thigs.

她的父母震惊不已,连忙向白隐禅师道歉,并乞求他把孙子还回来。Her parents, shocked, apologize to Hakuin and beg for their grandchild back.

匹配一个P元素,如果该P元素是DIV元素的孙元素或更后的元素。matches a P element that is a grandchild or later descendant of a DIV element.

现在我想知道我的孙子是否还能有身处白皮松树林的体验。Now I wonder if my grandchild will ever have the experience of being in white bark.

孙儿鲁清自杀不遂,鲁爷爷在急症室激动晕倒。Found in the grandchild LuQing suicide, grandpa in the emergency room lu excited faint.

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她一直和孙女住一起,但是当她的子孙开始追求自己的生活的时候,这些日子不再有了。Stuck with her grandchild day in, day out while her offspring pursued their busy lives.

“我当祖母了。”--1989年3月3日宣布她第一个孙辈降生时说的话。"We are a grandmother. " -- March 3, 1989, announcing the birth of her first grandchild.

他似乎被这次能向孙子灌输智慧的罕见机会振醒了。He seemed perked up by this all-too-rare chance to impart some more wisdom to a grandchild.

如果说FORTRAN和COBOL是第一代高级编译语言,那么C语言就是它们的孙子辈。If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high-level languages, then C is their grandchild.

如果说FORTRAN和COBOL是第一代高级编译语言,那么C语言就是它们的孙子辈。If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high-level languages, then C is their grandchild.

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若是说FORTRAN和COBOL是第一代初级编译说话,那么C说话就是它们的孙子辈。If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high-level languyears then C is their grandchild.

我明白了-当最近降生的曾孙用他的小拳头握住你的小拇指的时候。I've learned- That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist.

看起来不像是新的,所以不会是妈妈为她未来的外孙买的。It didn't look new, so it couldn't have been something my mom bought for her future grandchild.