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另一桩苦行就是饮用牛奶。Another penance was the drinking of milk.

苦竹斋像忏悔中的一个人。Bitter bamboo room is like a person doing penance.

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为什麽圣洗、修和是罪人的圣事?Why are Baptism and Penance sacraments for sinners?

他们已经告罪并做了补赎。They had confessed their sins and done their penance.

我想她可能是为了忏悔。I think she may be doing this as some kind of penance.

如果用爱来敬拜神,那么苦行又有何必要?What need is there of penance if God is worshipped with love?

如果用爱来敬拜神,那么苦行又有何必要?What is the use of penance if God is not worshipped with love?

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为此,我收回我所说过的话,坐在灰尘中忏悔。Therefore I reprehend myself, and do penance in dust and ashes.

如果既在内也在外都看见神,那么苦修又有何必要?What is the use of penance if God is not seen within and without?

悔罪就是悔改的诚意,跟自我、过去及世俗的一切做一了断。Penance is the affect of change, of rupture with self, past and world.

她为她的罪行做的忏悔是为了宽恕自己,宣布罪行死亡。Her penance for her sin is to forgive herself and declare that sin dead.

慢跑成了我们对自己的暴殄,贪婪,以及浪费的赎罪。Jogging becomes a sort of penance for our sins of gluttony, greed, and waste.

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悔罪的仪式跟原罪的告解是相当晚期才革新的。The sacrament of penance and the confession of sins are rather late innovations.

教徒在告解后常被要求覆诵圣母经为所犯罪行赎罪。Churchgoers who attend confession are often asked to repeat the prayer as penance for sins.

妈妈和我是完全的失眠症患者,对我们来说睡眠一部分是历险,一部分是苦修。My mother and I are the hardcore insomniacs, for whom sleep is part adventure, part penance.

每年,基督徒会在大斋节期间苦行和祭悼亡灵,同时涤罪和启智。The season of Lent is the time of the year in which Christians call for sacrifice and penance.

总而言之,苦修能够教给我们如何勇敢地、微笑地克服艰难与困苦。To sum up, penance teaches us to surmount hardships and difficulties willingly and cheerfully.

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我决心籍您的天惠忏悔我的罪孽通过我的苦修改过自新。I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins to do penance and amend my life.

主日学校,是孩子们为其双亲的邪心、以苦行赎罪的监狱。A sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents.

历史慢慢地把它的真理掩埋,可又在痛苦的忏悔中,匆忙地拼命将它重现。History slowly smothers its truth, but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain.