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我要等我的吉士汉堡。I'll wait for my cheeseburger.

我要一个双层吉士堡和一杯饮料。Can I have a double cheeseburger and a drink?

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劳驾,我想买走一个干酪汉堡包。I'd like a cheeseburger to take away, please.

这一切就像在快餐店吃牛肉饼一样。It's like getting a cheeseburger at a fast-foodrestaurant.

如果你每天都用这个程序,靠,多捐点让他买得起吉士汉堡吧。And if you use the program every day, heck, make it a cheeseburger.

要一个芝士堡和一杯中可乐,谢谢!Yes,I would like to have a cheeseburger and a regular size coke,please!

从根本上说,它是一种用一片菠萝代替肉片的起司汉堡。It was basically a cheeseburger but with a slice of pineapple instead of meat.

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今天上班时,一个大块头女人进来点了个吉士汉堡。Today, while at work, a rather large woman came in and ordered a cheeseburger.

当然,也许你认为萝卜很糟糕,你宁愿吃米奇D的双层三明治。Sure, maybe you think carrots are atrocious and you’d rather eat a Mickey D’s double cheeseburger.

健康度降低但为孩子喜欢的汉堡王芝士汉堡加油炸食品、饮料可乐。Less healthy but perhaps favored by kids is the Burger King cheeseburger with fries and Dr. Pepper.

他们得出结论,一剂普通的他汀类药物可以抵消一个普通汉堡和一个小奶昔增加的心脏病发作增加的风险。They conclude that a daily dose of statins would compensate for a daily cheeseburger and a small milk shake.

订购一个肉饼不需要动脑筋,而把炸肉块带到你的餐桌上可能需要额外的努力。Ordering a cheeseburger requires little brain power. Getting the Escalope to your table likely requires extra effort.

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由瑞士露营公司开发,由汉堡准备投身一个盛水的容器加热可以。Developed by a Swiss camping company, the cheeseburger is prepared by throwing the can into a water container and heating.

总统要了有生菜、西红柿、墨西哥胡椒和芥菜的汉堡包,以及几个干酪汉堡包。The president ordered a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, jalapeno peppers, and mustard as well as several other cheeseburgers to go.

所以我决定为我的最后一餐准备一顿好的——一大份温蒂的双层多汁培根汉堡,一份蘸糖的薯条。I decided to make my last meal a good one--a big, juicy bacon double cheeseburger from Wendy’s, and a frosty to dip my greasy fries in.

总会有这样的时刻,当你问你是为了什么而生活,当你的芝士汉堡被一个小伙子放上泡菜之后是否值得为他尖叫?It is times like this when you question what you are living for, was it worth yelling at the guy at McDonald's because he put pickle on your cheeseburger?

但幸好,当他们被抓住的时候,他们会发出一种很容易辨识的声音----所以下次你吃双层汉堡之前一定要先仔细地听一听有没有什么奇怪的声音。The good news is, they tend to make a very distinct grunting noise when they've been captured—so just be sure to listen carefully to your next double cheeseburger.

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红色衣服让我想起血,而血又会让我想起了汉堡的肉,看,就是这样联想,我就会突然想到了多汁,美味的三明治了。The red cloth made me think of blood, which made me think of meat, which made me think of hamburger meat, and voila, I stumbled upon a juicy, delicious cheeseburger.

但如果有十个人进入餐厅,你就会知道有两个或者三个人想要一份夹牛肉和干酪的三文治,一部分人想要鸡肉。But if you\\\\\\\'ve got 10 people coming into the restaurant, you know that two or three of them are going to want a cheeseburger and some of them are going to want chicken.

他会去麦当劳点两个巨无霸,大薯条,一个芝士汉堡和巧克力奶昔,然后再去塔可钟吃更多的食物,接着吃几个特大号的糖块。He'd go to McDonald's and order a couple of Big Macs, large fries, a cheeseburger and a chocolate shake, then go on to Taco Bell for more and follow that with several king-sized candy bars.