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但是我想我可以来点格拉巴酒。But I think I could handle a little grappa.

被压榨后留下的葡萄果浆,葡萄籽和皮。用来酿造格拉巴酒。The grape pulp, seeds, and skin that remains after pressing. It is used to make grappa.

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诺妮大胆革新了意大利果渣白兰地的生产方法,并将其行销到世界各地。The Nonino have revolutionized the way grappa is produced in Italy and sold throughout the world.

我叫一个小孩去买一瓶科涅克白兰地,但他回来说,只有格拉巴白兰地。I got a little boy to go for a bottle of cognac but he came back and said he could only get grappa.

经过在橡木桶中陈放两年之后,此酒呈现出独特的金琥珀色。For two years the Grappa will stay in small oak casks where it obtains its characteristic amber golden color.

他用同样的笑容和欢愉的方式,就向餐后递给我们一杯格拉巴酒一样的方式讲述了这个故事。He had offered it with the same smile and festivity with which he had offered us a glass of grappa after dinner.

除了法国的玛克以外,意大利的Grappa其实也是渣酿白兰地的一种,只不过意大利人更懂得做生意。In addition to France, Italy and beyond, the Grappa is actually making a brandy slag, but Italian know more business.

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酒店提供热情的欢迎和有效的服务,是商务旅客及观光旅客的理想住宿之选。Offering excellent service, comfortable accommodation and quality service Bonotto Hotel Belvedere is an ideal place to reside while in Bassano Del Grappa.

由精心挑选的上等葡萄酿制而成,此酒被誉为全球“果渣白兰地皇后”,品性与和谐滴滴可现。Made from specially selected Picolit Cru grapes. Considered "the Queen of grappa" around the world for the temper, harmony and the emotion it gives at every sip.

他们拥有18个惊人的产品,从水果白兰地和各种甜酒到陈年威士忌和用当地产的格慕斯塔米那、麝香葡萄和卡托巴品种的葡萄酿造的具有麝香味的葡萄果渣白兰地。They have an astonishing 18 products, from fruit brandies and liqueurs to aged whiskies and musky grappa made from local grapes like gewürztraminer, muscat and Catawba.