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他们在一局中给了我们两次保送上垒。They gave us two walks in one inning.

第一局比赛打了个平手。The score was tied in the first inning.

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在第一局里他未投出任何一个安打。He pitched a no-hitter in the first inning.

我们在第一局中获得两分。We chalked up two runs in the first inning.

他在去年的最后一场比赛的最后一局达成了。He did it in the final inning of his final game.

在第六回合他打出了他的第十二次本垒打。He poled his twelfth home run in the sixth inning.

周二的比赛胜败关键在于第一局。Most of Tuesday's game hinged on the first inning.

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我想这只不过是一个较长的半局而已。It's not an issue. I think It's just an long inning.

他们逃过了第一局敌人的猛烈攻击。They survived the first inning onslaught by their opponents.

四比二的比数,只场鲍最后一局的进攻。The score stood four to two with but one inning more to play.

直到第一局结束之后,我才知道观众是怎么看待这事的。I didn’t know what the crowd thought until the inning was over.

在我生命中的第一次第二局,我始终保持清醒。I was wide awake in the second inning for the first time in my life.

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在任意模式中,对战电脑时,只用三次投球结束一个半局。In any mode, have a three-pitch inning with any pitcher versus the CPU.

初选通常的规律是选民们会纷纷涌向获胜的候选人。The usual rule in primaries is that voters flock to thew inning candidate.

从他所经历过的,以及为了投一局,每天早上11点就来准备。What he's been through, coming in at 11 in the morning to pitch an inning.

你能想象假如对方第一局在我方投手的压制下无安打的情况吗?Can you imagine if they'd been pitched a no-hitter in their opening inning?

换言之,老穆希望洋基能够时光倒流到那个第七局。In other words, Mussina wishes the team could have that seventh inning back.

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后补投球手拉达兹是右手投手,在第七局时上场。Radtz, a right-handed relief pitcher, came into the game it the seventh inning.

对啊,我真不敢相信我们在第一局上半局就打出四分。Yes! I still can't believe we hit four runs in the first half of the first inning.

我猜他可以在我们的团队,我们将设法把他放在拍打在最后一局。I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the final inning.