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涂上防晒霜!Slop on sunscreen!

将含油污水泵入污水舱。Pump the slops into the slop tank.

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可变溢出增量调制?。VSDM? Variable Slop Delta Modulation?

专用污油水舱是否需要双壳保护?。Will exclusive slop tank need double-hull protection?

以前,她时常整天穿着旧牛仔裤和运动衫闲逛。She used to slop around all day in old jeans and sweatshirts.

由于坡水引起的冲刷,则需修建截流沟。For flushing canal by slop runoff, must build the cut off ditch.

埃德加倒了一些在他的碟子里,也咽不下一口。Edgar had made a slop in his saucer, and scarcely swallowed a mouthful.

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研究了斜坡补偿与系统稳定性的关系。Relationship between slop compensation and system stability is studied.

当我还是一个年轻的竞技攀手的时候我就学会了精炼有效的攀爬。As a young competition climber, I learned to pare away slop and inefficiency.

通过半圆形出料口所出来的宠物食品刚好填满底盘上圆形食盆,精确控制绝不溢料。Pet food passing hemicycle outlet just fills in round basin on baseplate not slop over.

倾斜的底形与斜压效应、风应力的联合作用使吕泗海区的上升流更明显。The combination force of the slop of bottom with the baroclinic effect and wind stress makes the upwelling stronger.

有限元强度折减法是近年来岩土工程界广受关注的一种边坡稳定性分析方法。Nonlinear FEM strength reduction is a slop stability analysis method which is widely cared in the geotechnical field.

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然后我尽量把脚踩的离手很近,让我的左手有机会支撑在一块方形的斜面上。Then I stand my foots so close of my hards to have one chance to stay on my left hand who is a square who is a bit slop.

西沙海槽盆地是南海北部陆坡深水区的有利油气勘探区域。Xisha trough basin is the advantage oil and gas exploration area of the northern continental slop of the South China Sea.

发出阵阵恶臭,你吃的是令人作呕的残羹剩饭,谁知道这都是些什么鬼东西,大概是从猪的内脏中剔除下来的东西?It stinks, you get some gross slop and who knows what the hell that is, maybe it’s something disgusting from a pigs organs?

深圳布吉东西干道边坡采用钢花管劈裂注浆技术加固。Steel floral tube fracturing grouting technology is adopted in slop reinforcement of Shenzhen Buji eastern and western main-road.

通过对边坡采用锚杆加固、挂网喷射混凝土护坡的治理措施,可以增强边坡的整体稳定性。The effective reinforcement method is to take bolt anchorages and shotcrete support to increase whole stability of the rack slop.

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通过对边坡采用锚杆加固、挂网喷射混凝土护坡的治理措施,可以增强边坡的整体稳定性。The effective reinforcement method is to take bolt anchorages and shotcrete support to increase whole stability of the rock slop.

当通过一斜坡时,附在打孔机机壳两侧的可移动的配重可以帮助保持机器走直线球路。Removable weights can be attached to either side of the aerator housing to help maintain a straight course when traversing a slop.

对云南元磨高速公路的边坡生物防护的植物筛选技术和施工工艺进行了研究。The greening material screening experiment and the revegetation technique experiment on highway slop were conducted in the research.