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男人曾是个好色之徒。That man used to be a lascivious person.

风险是个人的,组织对资本是饥渴的。Risk is personal and organization is lascivious.

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汤韦坚逊是华米亚傲慢及好色的主顾。Tom Wilkinson is his arrogant and lascivious patron.

五天之后,依照妨害风化罪名,这位邮差被逮捕。He was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior five days later.

它甚至违禁故意栽培的想法。It even proscribed the deliberate cultivation of lascivious thoughts.

抓住男人好色之心,是女人必须思考的当务之急!Holds the man lascivious heart, is urgent matter which the woman must ponder!

斯卡西亚一直向洪堡报告,她仍然在纽约干荒淫无耻的勾当。Scaccia kept telling Humboldt that she was still in New York and doing lascivious thing.

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在电话里挑逗我,说她很喜欢我,还说正在找男友。I lascivious battery on the phone, said she was like me, that are looking for her boyfriend.

臭婊子,不要以为你有钱有势就能在我这摆谱!Lascivious woman, don't think that you are wealthy to have power ability at I this puts a chart!

月亮朦朦胧胧地升起,裸妇在自己的宫殿里发出光辉,情侣和好色的男人她都看腻了,就拽起海潮的网。Weary too in sight of lovers, lascivious men, a naked woman shining in heR courts, she draws a toil of waters.

这是可怜的少女受了薄幸的男子欺侮?还是不幸的青年受了轻狂的妇人的玩弄呢?Were they deplorable damsels molested by lascivious men? Or were they unfortunate young men dallied with by wanton women?

要想成为一个真正的全方位的‘独眼’就必须练好色子,但色子也是最难练的。To become a true all-around ' Cyclops ' must practice the lascivious child, but which is also the most difficult to practice.

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可是,很多人震惊的发现,原来动物世界有着和人类世界同样不可置信的、黑暗的甚至是淫秽的世界。However, many people are shocked to learn that, just as in human life, there’s an incredible, dark and even lascivious underbelly to the animal world.

玩扑克的“人千”完全可以媲美于魔术师,要想成为一个真正的全方位的‘独眼’就必须练好色子,但色子也是最难练的。Play poker" thousands" of fully comparable to the magician, to become a true all-around ' Cyclops ' must practice the lascivious child, but which is also the most difficult to practice.