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洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。The flood cut a wide swath in this area.

还是一片没有破损、没有污点的皮肤?Or a swath of unbroken, unblemished skin?

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露娜使用这种力量斩开她的敌人。Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through her enemies.

那个歌手在这个小镇的舞台上出尽了风头。That singer cut a swath on the stage in the small town.

暴风雪在新墨西哥到新英格兰留下了一条长长的固态方形带。The storm left a solid swath of snow from New Mexico to New England.

如从严适用,该检验方法对专利打击面过大。Applied strictly, the test would knock out too wide a swath of patents.

在脚下,则有一长列蚂蚁背负着三角形的绿叶碎片。And at your feet is a swath of ants bearing triangular bits of green leaf.

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西班牙加那利群岛的戈梅拉岛上,海浪泛起一道泡沫般的白色刈痕。Surf spreads a foamy swath over a black beach in Gomera in Spain's Canary Islands.

地震遁辞了南加州大部分地区,不过造成的损失较小。The temblor rattled a large swath of Southern California but caused little damage.

到了1月10日,暴风雪开始席卷华中和华南地区。On Jan. 10, blizzards started to pummel a huge swath of central and southern China.

最近股市的大幅波动吓跑了一批预期中的高知名度IPO。Recent stock-market gyrations are scaring off a swath of anticipated high-profile IPOs.

为小型化多波束条带测深仪的进一步完善提供了良好的基础和有利的条件。It can used to improve and consummate the miniaturization of multi-beam swath bathymeter further.

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塑料对广泛游弋于北太平洋的信天翁产生了极大的负面影响。Plastic has acutely affected albatrosses, which roam ?a wide swath of the northern Pacific Ocean.

七鳃鳗留下一条致命的伤口,其在五大湖大行其道。Sea lampreys leave a swath of destruction as the invasive species chomps through the Great Lakes.

内维特教授说,这种飞行策略能使信天翁的气味跟踪范围覆盖数英里。Professor Nevitt says that the albatrosss flight strategy lets it cover a swath several miles wide.

我们现在还不清楚,不过一个完整的热带雨林相当于一个免费的“卫生健康服务站”。We don't know yet—but an intact swath of rainforest appears to provide free public health services.

他们可以用来解释生活中很大部分的现象,从情绪感染和社交同步到婴儿如何学习。And they explain a huge swath of life, from emotional contagion and social synchrony to how infants learn.

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硫化氢看上去就像是和沃尔维斯湾海岸平行的一道绿色彩虹。Hydrogen sulfide appears as a swath of irridescent green running parallel to the coast north of Walvis Bay.

这是船底座星云,画面上恒星发育的地段宽50光年。This is the Carina Nebula, and the image represents a 50-light-year-wide swath of the star-birthing region.

本文的工作为浅水多波束条带测深仪进一步的研制工作打下了基础。The paper has laid the foundation for the further development of shallow multi-beam swath bathymeter in job.