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汉口是商业中心。Hankou is the commercial center.

他们在汉口到北京这一段铁路开火车。They drove the train from Hankou to Beijing.

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从重庆到汉口,我坐了木船。I took a wooden boat from Chongqing to Hankou.

长江把汉口和武昌分隔开来。The Yangtze River separates Hankou and Wuchang.

长江把汉口和武昌分隔开来。The Youngtze River separates Hankou and Wuchang.

我在去北京时,打算在中途在汉口逗留几天。On my way to Beijing I plan to stop over for a few days in Hankou.

汉口滨江的居民数周前就已将财产转移。The residents of the Hankou Binjiang estate had been moved out weeks before.

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汉口是武汉的商业中心,有许多现代的天空有日照。Hankou is Wuhan's commercial heart. There are many modern skysckyscrapers there.

一九二七年二月在汉口开办妇女政治训练班,培养妇女干部。In February, 1927 she inaugurated a political-training course for women cadres in Hankou.

董修甲在汉口所进行的市政改革活动是我国城市近代化的缩影。His reform of municipal administration in Hankou was a miniature of city modernization in China.

得天独厚的地理位置距离汉口火车站仅4公里,距离武汉天河机场25公里,距离武汉站28公里。It is only 4km from Hankou Railway Station , 25km from the Tian He Airport, 28 km from Wuhan Station.

自1861年开埠,汉口开始了由传统商业市镇向近代化都市的快速转进。Since the trading port opened in 1861, Hankou turned into a modern city from a traditional commerce town.

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在汉口最后度过的那些日子,至今仍萦绕在我的心头,从心理学和人性的观点看来那是些罕见的不寻常的日子。The last days of Hankou still remain in my mind as rare, unusual days from the psychological and human viewpoint.

沿江城大道北上经月湖桥可快速抵达汉口商务金融中心,交通区位优势十分突出。From Jiangcheng Avenue to the north, Hankou business and financial center can be rapidly reached through Yuehu Bridge.

民国政府对文化娱乐业的管理经历了一个由探索、试验、修正和逐步定型的过程。The administrative mode of Hankou government experienced a course to be sleeked, tested, corrected and fixed step by step.

在中国近代化的宏观视野下,汉口文化娱乐业的近代化进程被赋予了全新的解释和价值意义。On the macroscopic view of Chinese modernization, the explanation and value of the course of modernization of Hankou CRB is renewed.

本文的研究基础是武汉市汉口江滩一、二期的休闲者行为调查数据。文章首先介绍了汉口江滩休闲者的基本特征。Based on the investigation data in Hankou recreational waterfront, this paper firstly presents the general features of city leisure resident.

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介绍了武汉供电局汉口分局配电故障管理信息系统的设计和实现。This paper introduces the design and realization of distribution fault management information system in Hankou branch of Wuhan power supply bureau.

本文针对汉口火车站照明系统的现状,设计出一种新型的火车站绿色照明控制系统。This dissertation studies a new type of green illumination system of railway station aim at the actually illumination of the Hankou railway station.

老汉口火车站,车站路走到头。这座拥有百年历史的老火车站现在得以保留,现在那里围个院子,里面杂草丛生。Old Hankou Railway Station, Station Road, go head. This century-old train station has now been preserved, there are now around a courtyard, which weeds.