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绿色内脏。Entrails of greenness.

一团不断扩展、不断加深的绿色A widening deepening greenness

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天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。The greenness of grass can not be seen but afar.

中国的绿色承诺似乎在消退。China’s commitment to greenness appears to be ebbing.

绿的概念是从绿色物体中抽象出来的。The idea of greenness is abstracted from green objects.

绿色天然丝瓜手套用于擦洗身体,在洗澡。Natural greenness loofah gloves use for body scrub in bath.

关于彩虹的一切,总是充满清新和美好。About rainbow, there' s always fill with greenness and nicety.

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植被颜色的变化可能会在数天甚至是数星期内才能显示出来。It can take days—even weeks—before changes in greenness are apparent.

空气甜美,树叶翠绿,却只能叫他胆怯心慌。The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him.

而树的绿意则增添居往环境的美丽。The greenness of trees adds to the beauty of the surroundings we live in.

虽然我们可以住得更称心,但离开了“绿色”这对我们的健康很不利。Although we can live in a wider place, it's bad for our health without "greenness".

一片山水,一个人,一整个下午,这个夏天就守着这一片汪绿。A lake, a person, an afternoon and the whole summer all watching for this greenness.

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城市中的板球场把这种乡村新鲜转移到现代的城市社会。A cricket ground in a city transplants this rural greenness into modern urban society.

广告中的绿色属性会成为您考虑购买的因素之一。I will think the attribute of greenness as one of factors in my decision-making for purchase.

讨论了不同土壤光谱线对绿度及植被覆盖度估计的误差。The influence of different soil spectral line on plant canopy and greenness assessment was discussed.

当夏日暑气逐渐消退,秋天到来之时,我们自然开始怀念大自然的绿色。When summer is gone and autumn falls, we naturally begin to cherish the flourish greenness in nature.

根据绿色化思想,对铸造亚共晶铝硅合金进行了绿色化规划探讨。Based on the greenness idea, the greenization planning on the hypoeutectic cast Al-Si alloy is provided.

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他们望着从翠绿的田野和成熟的庄稼地上冉冉升起的夏日里淡灰色的水汽。They looked at the faint grey vapour of summer steaming off from the greenness and ripeness of the fields.

蝴蝶翩翩起舞,小草们都昂起了头。春天是春意盎然的季节。The butterflies dance in the air, grass and plants raise their heads. Spring is a season of freshness and greenness.

生态旅游是一种正在迅速发展的全新的绿色旅游,具有无限广阔的发展前景。Eco-tourism is a new and rapid development of greenness tourism, possessing infinitude , capacious development foreground.