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譬如,玩轮盘赌。For example, I am playing roulette.

投资者感觉他们是在玩俄罗斯轮盘赌。Investors felt they were playing Russian roulette.

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外行不该下大赌注赌轮盘赌。An amateur shouldn't play roulette for high stakes.

我用我的生活玩了一场疯狂的俄罗斯轮盘赌游戏。I played a crazy game of Russian roulette with my life.

你写得就好像你和索罗斯是在玩儿轮盘赌一样。You write as if you and Soros have been playing roulette.

法默对轮盘赌的轮盘特别着迷。Farmer in particular was obsessed with the roulette wheel.

霍尔丹将这一举动形容为进行轮盘赌博。Haldane describes this as resorting to the roulette wheel.

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浏览微软的网站就像玩一个旋转的轮盘赌。Exploring the Microsoft site is like spinning a roulette wheel.

在一夜的轮盘赌桌上,他输光了所有的钱。He was totally cleaned out after a night at the roulette table.

想要体验头彩冤家中的轮盘游戏吗?Want to experience the roulette game encounters the first prize?

一个鲜橙色的大轮盘,在一大团绳索上空旋转。A bright-orange roulette wheel spinning above a tangle of shroud lines.

在车型选择上,借鉴了遗传算法中基于轮盘赌的选择策略。Type-choosing relies on the selection strategy based on roulette of GA.

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我们不能再像玩俄罗斯轮盘赌那样,每到飓风季节就完全靠运气。We should not be playing Russian roulette every hurricane season," he said.

我卸下子弹,坐在那捣鼓着空枪匣,就像在玩俄罗斯轮盘赌。I unloaded the gun, then sat playing Russian roulette with the empty barrel.

仅此一点就使博狗玩在线赌场轮盘赌的一个伟大的选择。This alone makes the Bodog play a great selection of online casino Roulette.

这个「效应」和「轮赌盘」上的「轮赌球」的行为相类似。The effect is rather like the behavior of a roulette ball on a roulette wheel.

轮盘赌游戏是该银行增加自动取款机服务乐趣的第二次尝试。The roulette game is Ogaki Kyoritsu's second shot at jazzing up its ATM services.

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您还会发现轮盘赌,二十一点,百家乐浮式和拉氏,等等。You'll also find Roulette , Blackjack , Baccarat Pontoon and Rummy, among others.

玩俄罗斯轮盘赌时,谁知道对手的枪里有几颗子弹呢。Who knows how many bullets were in the gun they were playing Russian roulette with?

之后,这个走出监狱的前警察加入了一个国际俄罗斯轮盘赌非法游戏巡回。Out of the prison the ex-policeman joins an international Russian Roulette illegal gaming circuit.