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纰佑•欧康医生是乌干达的产科医生。Okong is an obstetrician from Uganda.

产科医生替这个孩子接生。The obstetrician delivered the child.

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纰佑·欧康医生是乌干达的产科医生。Dr. Pius Okong is an obstetrician from Uganda.

这就是你们的校医是个妇产科医生的原因。That's why your school nurse is an obstetrician.

过后做孕检的时候,医生问我什么时候想怀下一胎。At my obstetrician visit afterward, my doctor asked when I'd be having the next one.

他还传教了许多弟子,包括著名的外科和产科医生威廉·亨特。He taught many pupils, including the famous surgeon and obstetrician William Hunter.

与你的产科医生和牙医找到保护你和胎儿的方法吧。Talk to your obstetrician or dentist to find out how to protect yourself and your baby.

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我和我的妻子像皮球一样被推来推去,因为找不到一个会说英语的妇产科医生。When push came to shove, my wife and I couldn't find an obstetrician who could speak English.

他生于匹兹堡,在杜克大学获得了医学学位,后来作为一名产科医生行医。Born in Pittsburgh, he earned a medical degree at Duke andbegan his adult life as an obstetrician.

最近的产科医生也在20公里外的索里提镇,实际上也是离这里最近的医生,不管是什么科的医生。The nearest obstetrician was in Soroti town, 20 miles away. The nearest doctor of any sort, in fact.

如怀孕,要在妇产医生的指导下食用补铁的食物。If pregnant, take an iron supplement, as recommended by an obstetrician or other health care provider.

我们建议您于计划旅程前,先与您的妇科医生商讨。Please consult your gynaecologist or obstetrician before planning your trip . we will accept passengers with.

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当我开始被我的产科医生称作高龄产妇的时候,我和我的丈夫需要尽早做出抉择。As I enter what my obstetrician calls advanced maternal age, it's a choice my husband and I need to make soon.

是否计划在夏天生个小孩?除了需要一位产科医生外,你可能还需要一位眼科医生。Planning for a summer delivery for your child? You might want to choose an ophthalmologist along with an obstetrician.

1983年,妇产科医生哈瓦•阿迪在索马里首都摩加迪沙成立了一家只有一间斗室的诊所。Hawa Abdi is an obstetrician and gynecologist who in 1983 established a one-room clinic near Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.

如果你喜欢用奶瓶喂奶,请确保向婴儿食品公司登记,以获得免费样品或者向你的产科医生索要样品。If you prefer to bottle-feed, be sure to register with the formula company for free samples or ask your obstetrician for samples.

作为一名产科医生和妇科医生,他二战前不久在布朗克斯曾开了一家诊所。He spoke 10 languages fluently. As an obstetrician and gynecologist, he opened a practice in the Bronx shortly before World War II.

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在妊娠早期,由产科医生及心内科医生联合判断是否继续妊娠,并指出注意事项。Be in gravid and inchoate, whether is physician combination judgement continued by obstetrician and heart gravid , point out a note.

如何针对不同情况的早产,选用有效的药物治疗,是产科医生经常要面对的问题。It becomes very important to make a correct decision of medical treatment for obstetrician when they manage various preterm neonates.

但我在关键的第十二周发生了一次内出血,一位产科医生告诉我胎心停跳了。However, at the critical 12-week stage, I had a haemorrhage and was informed by an obstetrician that the foetal heart had stopped beating.