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豆丹是一种美味佳肴。Doudan is a tasty delicacy.

茹斯蒂羊肉是设得兰群岛的美食。Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland.

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那小提琴家以极其优美的手法演奏。The violinist played with great delicacy.

“燕窝汤”是中国的美味。“Bird’s-nest” soup is a Chinese delicacy.

有时候,谨慎小心也可能是另一形式的粗鲁。Sometimes delicacy can be a form of crudity.

野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的美味。A pheasant is a delicacy we seldom can enjoy.

野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的异味美食。Pheasant is a rare delicacy we seldom can enjoy.

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这也正是淮扬菜精致的一个表现。This also expresses the delicacy of Huayang dishes.

你也许会想试试……。它是当地美食。You might want to try the n. p. It's a local delicacy.

这种鱼的肉异常鲜美。The flesh of this kind of fish has exceptional delicacy.

中国的宫灯以精巧闻名。The Chinese palace lanterns are famous for their delicacy.

精美玻璃纱花边,欢迎订购。Beautiful and delicacy glass-yarn lace, welcome to inquiry.

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一点点女孩气和精致感,再配上厚重的靴子。A little femininity and delicacy. Pair it with a heavy boot.

腌腊商品,夏令佳肴,令您赞不绝口。The cured food, a delicacy in summer, enjoys profuse praise.

这本书本身就像一张精美的蜘蛛网,一曲美丽的幻想曲。A fantasy that has the beauty and delicacy of the web itself.

但几年前,另外那些吃着珍馐美食长大的人已经不吃大闸蟹了。But others who grew up eating the delicacy stopped years ago.

湖南的松菌是深受当地群众欢迎的一种野生食用菌。Pine mushroom is a local delicacy in Hunan province of China.

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神户牛肉是日本闻名于世的一道佳肴。Kobe beef is a Japanese delicacy whose reputation precedes it.

那幅花鸟画画得很工致。The flower-and-bird painting was executed with great delicacy.

牙尖帮,味道香,世间美味聚一堂。Dental cusp gang Flavor fragrance In society delicacy poly a hall.