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成长小说的意义在于“成长维度”和“教育维度”的彰显。The significance of Bildungsroman lies in"the dimension of growth"and"the dimension of education".

成长小说一般把视角放在青年人在领路人指引下的成长上。Most bildungsroman would describe young people who are guided by someone to the way of being mature.

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首先,主要通过对文章的结构以及对各个结构中具有代表意象的分析出这是一部典型的成长小说。First, this novel is a typical Bildungsroman by analyzing the structure and typical images in every scenes.

第五章分析了简·奥斯丁对英国成长小说的继承和发展。The fifth chapter gives analysis on the fact Austen inherits and carries forward the English bildungsroman.

从古到今,不同国家在不同时期涌现出大量的成长小说。Different countries witnessed the birth of a large number of Bildungsroman in different stages of the history.

他们独特的成长自叙为中国成长小说的发展开辟了新的途径。Their unique growth autobiographical novels have opened a new way for the development of Chinese Bildungsroman.

德美中三国成长小说的发展与特征的形成都与“成长”观念的变更有关。The development of the Bildungsroman and the characteristics forming is based on the change of the concept of"growth".

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本文作者认为,此短篇小说亦是关于小人物或者“反英雄”成长历程的典型之作。The present authors, however, believe that this piece of work is also a model of Bildungsroman stories about anti-hero.

然而,从成长体小说传统的角度上来看,该小说在许多方面都明显具有传统的特征。However, it is obvious that the novel is in many ways conventional, in the literal sense ofthe traditional Bildungsroman.

在论述成长小说之时,本论文尝试性地提出了“美国成长小说”这一称谓,体现出这一文类极大的可塑性。By considering the book as a Bildungsroman, a title, "American Bildungsroman" is proposed tentatively to show the productivity of this genre.

这里具备一个典型成长小说的框架,故事结构讲的是,一个背井离乡的男孩,在旅途中长大成人。That has a typical Bildungsroman structure, the structure of a story about a boy who goes out from his home and sort of becomes a man through his travels.

此外,作者还对论文涉及的文学术语加以阐释,包括文化研究、白人文化、华裔文化及成长小说理论。Then follows the interpretation of four literary terms employed in this paper, including cultural studies, Caucasian culture, Chinese American culture and Bildungsroman.

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通过梳理国内外传统成长小说的研究现状,本文将在比较的基础上归纳出“成长小说”的基本特征和定义。Through an analysis of the traditional Bildungsroman study abroad, this paper will summarize the basis of comparison "Initiation stories" basic features and definitions.

“80后”小说开辟了青春校园文学的领地,以青春与成长为主题的成长叙事为中国式的成长小说增添了新的色彩与内涵。"After 80s"novels set up a new area of the campus literature, and the growth narrative which theme is youth and growth adds a new color and meaning to the Chinese-style Bildungsroman.