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头部转动的全面协调印花。Head-turning allover floral print.

印花布嵌花编织猎豹打印。Allover intarsia knit cheetah print.

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我很高兴我的法律问题了结了。I'm glad my legal difficulties are allover.

休闲类的全面性对比拼接。Allover contrast stitching for casual class.

全世界的人都喜欢踢足球。People allover the world like to play football.

经典外套体育全面协调接缝的形状。Classic jacket sports allover seaming for shape.

人的全面发展有一个漫长的历史过程。Man's allover development has a long history course.

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全面性战略接缝无与伦比的流动性。Allover strategic seaming for uncompromised mobility.

全面性芋头顶部打印庆祝“卢奥一词的由来。”Allover taro top print celebrates the origin of the word "luau."

嵌花编织明星或在中心门前,或印花布条纹的心。Intarsia knit star or heart at center front, or allover stripes.

雪纺材质、小碎花图案的连衣裙很流行。The dresses with allover and the material of chiffon are pretty popular.

2003年,转基因油菜在全球种植面积为352万公顷。In 2003, transgenetic rapeseed was planted 352 million hectare allover the world.

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近十几年来,国内外不断有学者提出各种各样的方法。Various methods were present by the scholars allover the world in recent ten years.

蓝印花布是传统工艺的重要门类。The handicraft of blue allover is one of the important kinds of traditional handicraft.

所有产品均取得CCC认证和CE认证海外,分布印花布世界。All the products have achieved CCC and overseas CE certification, distribution allover the world.

90年代以来,欧共体一直在致力于发展全欧洲的高速铁路网。The European Union has been improving the high-speed railway network allover Europe since 1 990 s.

在欧洲杯时代,来自全世界的花艺师能够列入投票算出他们最喜欢的花艺家。During the Europa Cup 2011, florists from allover the world have be able to vote on their favorite artist.

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在中国,多尼诺骨牌已经堆积,一个倒下,其他都会倒下。In china , the dominos have been stacked properly and when one fell , the others all fell allover the country.

蓝印花布是江南最有代表性的生活用品和装饰用品。Blue Allover is the most representative daily article and decorating article in the area South of Yangtze River.

就是这样,第1231天将是全世界的重要日期,因为每个国家都将选举他们的领导人。Well this is it, the day 1231 will be a big day in allover the world, because every country will choose its leader.