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我喜欢这满天星斗的冬夜。I like the starry winter sky.

暴风呼啸或繁星闪亮。Storm-darken'd or starry bright.

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像黑夜中彻夜不眠的星星like the night with starry vigil

当夜莺于繁星密布的晚间And in their glens, on starry nights

那安静的夜也就是多星的夜。His still night was his starry night.

满天星斗的冬夜遇到他的。I met him on a starry winter evening.

写,譬如,“夜镶满群星Write,for example,'the night is starry

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走入星光灿烂的未来!Dreams can lead you into a starry future!

我看见了高空星光点缀的天幕。And in the sky above, her starry backdrop.

可是在一个星光灿烂的夜晚,老骆驼死了。But one starry evening, the old camel died.

在这繁星闪烁的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快乐.I'm so happy with you in this starry night.

带我那两岁的孩子看布满星星的夜空。Showing my 2-year-old the clear starry sky.

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带我那两岁的孩子看星星布满的夜空。Showing my 2-year-old the clear starry sky.

在这繁星闪灼的夜晚,跟你在一路很是欢愉。i'm so happy with you in this starry night.

把粗糙的甜味吐向闪烁的板岩。Exhale rough sweetness against the starry slates.

清除星夜在地中海东部。Clear starry night over the eastern Mediterranean.

星夜下,画像挂在空荡荡的大厅。Starry, Starry night, portraits hung in empty halls.

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那夜繁星点点,空旷的大厅里画作高悬。Starry, starry night , Portraits hung in empty halls.

他对这个新的女朋友充满了美好的幻想。He's completely starry -eyed about his new girl-friend.

星夜,你的调色板上只涂上了蓝与灰。Starry starry night , Paint your palette blue and grey.