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贝卡特的天空满是血。The sky of Becato is bloody.

看,那是血人巴罗!Look, it's the Bloody Baron !

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埋入地下的是沾血的利斧。Buried was the bloody hatchet.

今晚上,她成了惹人讨厌的人。She was a bloody onion tonight.

红玛利和柳橙汁,先生。Bloody mary and orange juice, sir.

如血般的鲜红喧染了年少的心。Bloody red noise with the young heart.

彼得亚雷,打开这该死的门,你个混蛋!Piotr, open the bloody door, you shit.

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上面的文字,也是湿湿的,淋淋的。The writing style is drenched, bloody.

我真的很受不了冻鱼条的不堪。I am really sick of bloody fishfingers.

这算好债吗?当然啦,好得没话说了!Is it good debt? Of course it bloody is!

血性溢液最为常见。Bloody discharge is the most common type.

我总不能一辈子都当这该死的小职员吧。Not gonna be bloody clerking all my life.

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哪怕胸口对着带血的刺刀!Even with bloody bayonet piercing my heart

嗜血信仰、时机更添邪恶。And bloody Faith the foulest birth of Time.

你有一双黑色的眼睛,炯炯有神。You had a black eye. A right bloody shiner.

那由“时间”塑造的最邪恶的形象。And bloody Faith, the foulest birth of time.

厚颜无耻的撒谎!最糟的假新闻。Barefaced bloody lie! Fake news at its worst.

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朋友偎靠着朋友,都在血泊中横躺。Here friend by friend in bloody channel lies.

这可是联赛杯,妈的,谁知道接下来会是什么?It is the League Cup. Bloody hell, what next?

它的尖角刺得我鲜血淋漓,遍体鳞伤。It was my bloody thorn cusp , black and blue.