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大家再猜猜。Somebody else.

有人砍了她一刀。Somebody knifed her.

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我听到什么人大叫。I heard somebody yell.

增加什么约束呢?有人知道吗?Somebody else -- yeah?

有人拼死,守护大地。Somebody keep the land.

也许有人拾到呢。Maybe somebody found it.

有人曾找到一张他的订单Somebody found an order.

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我记得有人说起过Somebody mentioned this.

某甲递过我的吉他。Somebody pass my guitar.

有人说她还是小姑独处哪。Somebody said she's not.

这个“某人”可是你?was taht "somebody "you?

我听见有人尖声高叫。I heard somebody skirling.

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多少个头?来个人选个整数。Pick an integer, somebody.

但他一定属于某个人。But he belongs to somebody.

跟某人有一腿。Have one leg with somebody.

然后有人把我扶起来。Then somebody picked me up.

中东的某个倒霉蛋。Somebody in the middle east.

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有人在搞鬼。Somebody is up to something.

总需要有人来道歉的。Somebody needs to apologize.

有人偷了我的运动衫。Somebody pinched my sweater.