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她就耍小脾气了。She petty temper.

他懂她的小心眼。He know she is petty.

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不要耍小聪明。Don't play petty tricks.

她有时很小心眼。She is very petty at times.

他只是个小官吏。He is only a petty official.

她不屑于散布流言蜚语。She is above petty gossiping.

位低的“盗贼”成了他们的爪牙。Petty thieves were their minions.

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他因小偷小摸遭到了解雇。He got the sack for petty thieving.

他因微小窃盗遭到了解雇。He got the sack for petty thieving.

该党分裂成若干小派系。The party split into petty factions.

从今起我要抛弃一切琐碎的装饰。From now I leave off all petty decorations.

肯沃西以一项微不足道的指控为由将他拘捕了。Kenworthy had run him in on a petty charge.

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但是如果我不送给她的话,又好象过于心胸狭窄了。But it just seems petty not to give her one.

次要的分歧使经理们的任务模糊了。Petty differences befogged the managers' task.

你要是耍小脾气,外公也要生气的。If you petty temper, my grandfather also angry.

她不接受道歉,心胸未免有些狭窄。It was petty for her not to accept the apology.

你这么愚弄她一回,就是为了满足你的小心眼儿?You tricked her just to satisfy your petty mind?

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公司将用小额备用金把钱还给你。The company will reimburse you out of petty cash.

这个小职员不敢得罪他的老板。The petty clerk was afraid of offending his boss.

从今天开始零用金将由我负责。I will be in charge of the petty cash from now on.