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你真逗!How funny you are!

是本儿很有趣的书。It's a funny book.

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有什么好笑的吗?Is there any funny?

复述一个搞笑的笑话。Retell a funny joke.

这话真逗!What a funny remark!

我买笑话书。I bought funny books.

这里的人真逗。People here are funny.

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看他那呆笨的样子很有趣。His dull look is funny.

我会做各种鬼脸。I can make funny faces.

小丑,有趣的你!Punchinello, funny you!

那视频真有意思。And it was really funny.

别跟我耍把戏。Don't get funny with me.

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你认为这很滑稽么?You think this is funny?

林振强的歌词真是一绝!One of funny song by Lam.

小丑,有趣的家伙?Punchinello, funny fellow?

这是一部非常有趣的电影。This is a very funny film.

麦卡索是一个很风趣的人。Macasso was a funny fellow.

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以下是一篇蛮有趣的妙论。This is so funny and true !

他们正戴着有趣的帽子吗?Are they wearing funny hats?

嘿,这顶帽子真古怪!Blimey , that's a funny hat!